syntax to use list changeset command

What is the syntax to use the list changeset command?
I want to get the list of changesets for the work item say 90509 on linux build server:
I used the command in following two ways:
list changeset -W --workitems 90509
list changeset -W 90509
But in both the cases I got the error "command not found" error.
I want to get the list of changesets for the work item say 90509 on linux build server:
I used the command in following two ways:
list changeset -W --workitems 90509
list changeset -W 90509
But in both the cases I got the error "command not found" error.
One answer

It would be helpful if you could paste the output here.
scm list changeset -W <workitems...> should work fine.
Which version of the of RTC client are you using? I believe this option was introduced in 4.0.6. If you have been referring to the online documentation make sure 'scm help list changeset' has this option.

When I use ./scm list changeset -W 90509
Error : Problem running 'list changesets':
No repositories found based on path. Specify repository URI. Try 'scm help list changesets' for more information.
I tried using : ./scm list changesets -r rtcuser --woritems 90509
This gives me list of change sets which are not related to workitem 90509 also.
How do I get the chnagesets only of 90509?

I have rtc 4.0.1

'scm list changesets -r rtcuser --workitems 90509' should only list change sets for that workitem. If not it is a defect.
Are you sure it is not the right set of change sets listed? How did you verify? You can confirm by running 'scm list changes <changeset alias/uuid>'. This command will list the changes of the change set as well as the workitem linked to the change set.