SCM Permission - access for creating stream and components

We are just about to start pilotting RTC SCM in our environment
We would like that in the starting, our users are not allowed to create stream/component, but only Admins (Jazz project admin for e.g).
Is there any easy way to achieve this?.
- By removing the access for certain roles will work, but then no role can do this operation (even as admin).
- If we create a special role only for this purpose and allow this role all operation, then since the role is inherited to all team area, team area can themself add to this perticular role and then they have similar rights as well!!.
Thank you.
Accepted answer

Note that it is common to let most developers create streams, since you can always just delete the ones you decide you don't want. Also note that although you can control by permissions who can assign ownership of a component to a given project/team area, you cannot prevent someone from creating a personal component.

Thank you Geoff for that suggestion.
If we let the access open:
- Do you know whether we can configure an auto-email or so while new component or stream is created.
- Also Do we have a way to see all streams and components in the PA? Or we have to explicitiely memmber of all team area to have a overview?