Is there a way to restrict permissions to view Build Definitions (properties) in Rational Team Concert?

In CLM 4.0.5, we would like to limit the ability for members of an RTC Project Area (by role) to view Build Definitions -- specifically, the Properties tab. We are able to limit the ability to create/update Build Definitions, but would like to be able to limit the ability to view an existing Build Definition. Either that, or is there a way to mask the credentials of the account associated with the Build Definition properties?
One answer

RTC was built to enable collaboration and to see what is going on. It is rather open than restrictive. To my knowledge there is no way to limit visibility of build information e.g. by role.
RTC was built to enable collaboration and to see what is going on. It is rather open than restrictive. To my knowledge there is no way to limit visibility of build information e.g. by role.

We want as much access to the Build Definintion properties as possible.
Our real concern is with the Build_Password variable, which shows the password for the Build_User in plain text.
Is there a way to hide/encrypt the Build_Password contents, or is there another way to set up and configure Build Definitions without the Build_Password variable being required?

Have you tried using a password file?