RQM OLSC : testcase results doesn't contain any defect links

ii'm extracting testcase execution record based on modified time using Rest API but the response xml doen't contain any details about defects though a defect is associated with testcase execution record.
i've tried to extract defects from RTC but i could only extract 1 at a time. i want to extract defect workitems based on modified date.
could someone please explain how to extract all the defects from RTC?
2 answers

Can you please provide the APIs you used which got problem?
For RQM, if you try:
https://server:port/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/project area alias/executionresult/urn:com.ibm.rqm:executionresult:xx
(xx is id of result)
Does it provide defect link for you?
For RTC to list defects, how about trying:
https://server:port/ccm/oslc/contexts/<project areas="" ID="">/workitems?oslc.where=rtc_cm:type="defect"

Thanks Don yang for your response.
RQM version : 4.0.6
REST API : https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmApi
I've extracted executionresults as well but the assosiated defects are missing in the response.
Can also help with an url to get defects based on modfied date?

I use the one specified in the above reply in 4.0.6 and I can see the defect info properly in the response. Are you able to see the defect in your TCER view?
You may want to try what Stephane suggested "?calmlinks=true " or "etlmode=true"
Regarding modified date based defect, you can try to add the below:

the title of your question (incl. OSLC) and the link to the RQM Reportable REST API makes it difficult to understand well your context:
Let me answer for the case you're using RQM Reportable REST API:
you would need to add ?calmlinks=true and your URL would now look like something like this:
https://server:port/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/project area alias/executionresult/urn:com.ibm.rqm:executionresult:xx?calmlinks=true
This link has more info: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmApi#calmlinks