How to include archived data in report on dashboard?

My Birt report needs data for archived iterations.
When I run that report from 'My reports' section I have to check 'Include archived' checkbox, so the report can work properly.
Now, I've included my report on dashboard, but I couldn't find "Include archived" checkbox there.
How can I include archived data in report on a dashboard?
One answer

Hi Karo,
The reports when displayed have the Checkbox which use the default behavior of the server, it can be set/unset by the users as needed.

The reports when displayed have the Checkbox which use the default behavior of the server, it can be set/unset by the users as needed.
Where can I find the Checkbox when My report is on dashboard page?

It's a server setting actually. Once it's set, user doesn't need to do anything to include archived data in their report. Do you have access to admin page? The link is https://hostname:9443/ccm/admin