Error while working in RTC eclipse client.
3 answers
we experienced this with and have since upgraded several times and now run 4.0.6. You need to increase the eclipse.ini xmx setting as suggested. You should also validate what client you are using, is it the RTC Client or do you have another Eclipse version like Juno loaded and have installed the p2 integration?
Hi Saitsh
--> Is this issue seen only when you perform a specific operation? Like perform a WI query?
--> Look for the message in the .metadata/.log file in the workspace path and paste the error message.
--> It might be an issue with the memory constraints. What is the entry for heap settings in eclipse.ini file? This should be in the Eclipse client install path.
Does modifying the Xms and Xmx values make any difference?
--> What is the total physical memory on the client machine?