'scm compare --component arg' return all components in the outputs in RTC 4.0.4
with version 4.0.4, is it a bug with the CLI 'scm compare --component arg' return all components in the outputs. See the example below.
scm.exe --show-alias yes --show-uuid yes compare -r <repo> -u <user id> -P ******** --component mdm_bpm -I dcbsw -f i snapshot before_copyright_native_and_engine snapshot before_copyright_java
Incoming Changes
Component (1037:_6fjkEFdIEeGvKo3sufMuSg) "automation_workbench"
Component (1038:_z8fyACHaEeGmpshThg53Gg) "delivery_automation"
Component (1039:_z-4XoiHaEeGmpshThg53Gg) "delivery_performance"
Component (1040:_nEjDIFZnEeGvKo3sufMuSg) "mdm_apptoolkit"
Component (1041:_0-aMkJX6EeGzU7vM8v6pGQ) "mdm_bpm"
(1069:_0FI8IslKEeOgv86tGd53BA) PULIPATY, GEETHA SRAVANTHI (GEETHA SRAVANTHI) <gpullipa@in.ibm.com> 44203: As a developer I should check-in PM application and associated tool kits in RTC to deliver defect fixes - IWM sample directory structure wrong because of which iwm samples are not getting picked up 2014/04/24
(1071:_UMpecsusEeOgv86tGd53BA) PULIPATY, GEETHA SRAVANTHI (GEETHA SRAVANTHI) <gpullipa@in.ibm.com> 44203: As a developer I should check-in PM application and associated tool kits in RTC to deliver defect fixes - Updated new madapi.jar with application toolkit latest twx. 2014/04/24
(1072:_kIfQAsusEeOgv86tGd53BA) PULIPATY, GEETHA SRAVANTHI (GEETHA SRAVANTHI) <gpullipa@in.ibm.com> 44203: As a developer I should check-in PM application and associated tool kits in RTC to deliver defect fixes - Aruba doc for PE IWM sample 2014/04/24
(1073:_qtJP4cusEeOgv86tGd53BA) PULIPATY, GEETHA SRAVANTHI (GEETHA SRAVANTHI) <gpullipa@in.ibm.com> 44203: As a developer I should check-in PM application and associated tool kits in RTC to deliver defect fixes - Aruba doc for CDC IWM sample 2014/04/24
(1074:_ZSVsOMu0EeOgv86tGd53BA) Wang, Andrew (X.) <andreww@ca.ibm.com> 46930: Incorporate the latest toolkits drops and check in BPM assets 2014/04/24
(1076:_v7uaTsu8EeOgv86tGd53BA) PULIPATY, GEETHA SRAVANTHI (GEETHA SRAVANTHI) <gpullipa@in.ibm.com> 44203: As a developer I should check-in PM application and associated tool kits in RTC to deliver defect fixes - removed epv dashbaords target as it is unused and fixed hanging issue for retrieve mdm signers 2014/04/24
Component (1042:_tIsG8BH3EeGbhcF7ry2bcg) "mdm_brokers"
(1077:_Z73C8su3EeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1043:_eUXF0O3uEeC4X73fa7O4Fg) "mdm_build"
Component (1044:_zmqTwEnNEeGvKo3sufMuSg) "mdm_clientapps"
(1079:_O4gNmMuTEeOgv86tGd53BA) YOHANNAN, AJIYOS (AJIYOS) <ayohannan@in.ibm.com> 47470: Changing the word typical to standalone 2014/04/24
Component (1045:_7IGNImGZEeKcb8GKATp4FA) "mdm_common"
Component (1046:_wzY2QCggEeGmpshThg53Gg) "mdm_database"
(1081:__cd6AstpEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1047:_haV0sF7_EeGvKo3sufMuSg) "mdm_deploy"
(1082:_dngjaMu5EeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1048:_w2qz3CggEeGmpshThg53Gg) "mdm_domains"
(1083:_VBj3QswnEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1049:_iD7ThwTGEeGE7LT_lHDgzg) "mdm_engine"
(1084:_RqrQhMtiEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/23
Component (1050:_r6M8UGMREeGBredsMuDeKQ) "mdm_enterprise_integrator"
Component (1051:_w0bYECggEeGmpshThg53Gg) "mdm_erupt"
(1085:_qnxfSsu6EeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1052:_w1nq4CggEeGmpshThg53Gg) "mdm_framework"
(1086:_0unXUcpYEeOgv86tGd53BA) Khatibi, Mohammad (M.M.) <mkhatibi@ca.ibm.com> 47363: Get Contract extension with InquiryLevel 3 fails with 'pdq.runtime.exception'. - Incorrect OTS SQL for Contract's InqLevel of 3 2014/04/24
Component (1053:_wyCycCggEeGmpshThg53Gg) "mdm_installer"
Component (1054:_papSoiONEeKLorigLUS48w) "mdm_integration"
(1088:_yh_8IsvAEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1055:_Fr1DUFl6EeGvKo3sufMuSg) "mdm_jaxrpc_webservices"
(1089:_mSH8d8u0EeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1056:_OI9l8DulEeGguLEs8OgeEQ) "mdm_mdph"
(1090:_xov1Ycu_EeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1057:_b0_YwgvcEeGbhcF7ry2bcg) "mdm_native"
(1091:__XYxQstfEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/23
Component (1058:_BqK30FmSEeGvKo3sufMuSg) "mdm_pairmanager"
(1092:_xQGcKcvQEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1059:_MVzvsAfcEeK5a5kGFdGhpw) "mdm_pcds"
(1093:_DyIn2stsEeOgv86tGd53BA) Medina, Jose R. (Joe) <medinajo@us.ibm.com> 47453: Demographics weightrange query does not work - Made changes to MDSIMappingField.java and bigflexsearch.fsm to correct issues with Demographics weightrange query not returning any data. 2014/04/24
(1095:_z5enF8utEeOgv86tGd53BA) Medina, Jose R. (Joe) <medinajo@us.ibm.com> 47453: Demographics weightrange query does not work - Changes to pcdsdata.txt sample file to reflect weight in kg. removed the Lbs from weight. 2014/04/24
Component (1060:_eOMzcsoBEeKtwJuFZJeQ4g) "mdm_puresystems"
(1096:_3FSIe8twEeOgv86tGd53BA) YOHANNAN, AJIYOS (AJIYOS) <ayohannan@in.ibm.com> 41934: Pure Pattern OOTB setting enhancement 2014/04/24
(1098:_xX3mzct9EeOgv86tGd53BA) YOHANNAN, AJIYOS (AJIYOS) <ayohannan@in.ibm.com> 47462: Update MDM License file in Pure pattern 2014/04/24
Component (1061:_Y2hBQBoyEeKJUMIs5BnyiQ) "mdm_rdm_hub"
(1100:_1Yqb4svvEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks
- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1062:_ZKyBEBoyEeKJUMIs5BnyiQ) "mdm_rdm_ui"
(1101:_fWQ5sswFEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1063:_w5DZYCggEeGmpshThg53Gg) "mdm_samples"
(1102:_Vs3aYsu0EeOgv86tGd53BA) Wang, Andrew (X.) <andreww@ca.ibm.com> 46930: Incorporate the latest toolkits drops and check in BPM assets 2014/04/24
Component (1064:_vF3j4EgyEeGguLEs8OgeEQ) "mdm_thirdparty"
Component (1065:_8KRAMFQYEeGvKo3sufMuSg) "mdm_ui_legacy"
(1103:_Ooi4p8vYEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
(1104:_2iMIYsvyEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- fix insert dup copyright statement. 2014/04/24
Component (1066:_w33GkCggEeGmpshThg53Gg) "mdm_ui_mds_legacy"
(1105:_PF4geMvOEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
(1106:_8JuqmsvwEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- fix the copyright statement inserted in wrong location. 2014/04/24
Component (1067:_y0ovYBHyEeGbhcF7ry2bcg) "mdm_workbench"
Component (1068:_gAo40sCREeG5TJrMgweHHg) "operations_asset"
scm.exe --show-alias yes --show-uuid yes compare -r <repo> -u <user id> -P ******** --component mdm_bpm -I dcbsw -f i snapshot before_copyright_native_and_engine snapshot before_copyright_java
Incoming Changes
Component (1037:_6fjkEFdIEeGvKo3sufMuSg) "automation_workbench"
Component (1038:_z8fyACHaEeGmpshThg53Gg) "delivery_automation"
Component (1039:_z-4XoiHaEeGmpshThg53Gg) "delivery_performance"
Component (1040:_nEjDIFZnEeGvKo3sufMuSg) "mdm_apptoolkit"
Component (1041:_0-aMkJX6EeGzU7vM8v6pGQ) "mdm_bpm"
(1069:_0FI8IslKEeOgv86tGd53BA) PULIPATY, GEETHA SRAVANTHI (GEETHA SRAVANTHI) <gpullipa@in.ibm.com> 44203: As a developer I should check-in PM application and associated tool kits in RTC to deliver defect fixes - IWM sample directory structure wrong because of which iwm samples are not getting picked up 2014/04/24
(1071:_UMpecsusEeOgv86tGd53BA) PULIPATY, GEETHA SRAVANTHI (GEETHA SRAVANTHI) <gpullipa@in.ibm.com> 44203: As a developer I should check-in PM application and associated tool kits in RTC to deliver defect fixes - Updated new madapi.jar with application toolkit latest twx. 2014/04/24
(1072:_kIfQAsusEeOgv86tGd53BA) PULIPATY, GEETHA SRAVANTHI (GEETHA SRAVANTHI) <gpullipa@in.ibm.com> 44203: As a developer I should check-in PM application and associated tool kits in RTC to deliver defect fixes - Aruba doc for PE IWM sample 2014/04/24
(1073:_qtJP4cusEeOgv86tGd53BA) PULIPATY, GEETHA SRAVANTHI (GEETHA SRAVANTHI) <gpullipa@in.ibm.com> 44203: As a developer I should check-in PM application and associated tool kits in RTC to deliver defect fixes - Aruba doc for CDC IWM sample 2014/04/24
(1074:_ZSVsOMu0EeOgv86tGd53BA) Wang, Andrew (X.) <andreww@ca.ibm.com> 46930: Incorporate the latest toolkits drops and check in BPM assets 2014/04/24
(1076:_v7uaTsu8EeOgv86tGd53BA) PULIPATY, GEETHA SRAVANTHI (GEETHA SRAVANTHI) <gpullipa@in.ibm.com> 44203: As a developer I should check-in PM application and associated tool kits in RTC to deliver defect fixes - removed epv dashbaords target as it is unused and fixed hanging issue for retrieve mdm signers 2014/04/24
Component (1042:_tIsG8BH3EeGbhcF7ry2bcg) "mdm_brokers"
(1077:_Z73C8su3EeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1043:_eUXF0O3uEeC4X73fa7O4Fg) "mdm_build"
Component (1044:_zmqTwEnNEeGvKo3sufMuSg) "mdm_clientapps"
(1079:_O4gNmMuTEeOgv86tGd53BA) YOHANNAN, AJIYOS (AJIYOS) <ayohannan@in.ibm.com> 47470: Changing the word typical to standalone 2014/04/24
Component (1045:_7IGNImGZEeKcb8GKATp4FA) "mdm_common"
Component (1046:_wzY2QCggEeGmpshThg53Gg) "mdm_database"
(1081:__cd6AstpEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1047:_haV0sF7_EeGvKo3sufMuSg) "mdm_deploy"
(1082:_dngjaMu5EeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1048:_w2qz3CggEeGmpshThg53Gg) "mdm_domains"
(1083:_VBj3QswnEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1049:_iD7ThwTGEeGE7LT_lHDgzg) "mdm_engine"
(1084:_RqrQhMtiEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/23
Component (1050:_r6M8UGMREeGBredsMuDeKQ) "mdm_enterprise_integrator"
Component (1051:_w0bYECggEeGmpshThg53Gg) "mdm_erupt"
(1085:_qnxfSsu6EeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1052:_w1nq4CggEeGmpshThg53Gg) "mdm_framework"
(1086:_0unXUcpYEeOgv86tGd53BA) Khatibi, Mohammad (M.M.) <mkhatibi@ca.ibm.com> 47363: Get Contract extension with InquiryLevel 3 fails with 'pdq.runtime.exception'. - Incorrect OTS SQL for Contract's InqLevel of 3 2014/04/24
Component (1053:_wyCycCggEeGmpshThg53Gg) "mdm_installer"
Component (1054:_papSoiONEeKLorigLUS48w) "mdm_integration"
(1088:_yh_8IsvAEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1055:_Fr1DUFl6EeGvKo3sufMuSg) "mdm_jaxrpc_webservices"
(1089:_mSH8d8u0EeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1056:_OI9l8DulEeGguLEs8OgeEQ) "mdm_mdph"
(1090:_xov1Ycu_EeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1057:_b0_YwgvcEeGbhcF7ry2bcg) "mdm_native"
(1091:__XYxQstfEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/23
Component (1058:_BqK30FmSEeGvKo3sufMuSg) "mdm_pairmanager"
(1092:_xQGcKcvQEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1059:_MVzvsAfcEeK5a5kGFdGhpw) "mdm_pcds"
(1093:_DyIn2stsEeOgv86tGd53BA) Medina, Jose R. (Joe) <medinajo@us.ibm.com> 47453: Demographics weightrange query does not work - Made changes to MDSIMappingField.java and bigflexsearch.fsm to correct issues with Demographics weightrange query not returning any data. 2014/04/24
(1095:_z5enF8utEeOgv86tGd53BA) Medina, Jose R. (Joe) <medinajo@us.ibm.com> 47453: Demographics weightrange query does not work - Changes to pcdsdata.txt sample file to reflect weight in kg. removed the Lbs from weight. 2014/04/24
Component (1060:_eOMzcsoBEeKtwJuFZJeQ4g) "mdm_puresystems"
(1096:_3FSIe8twEeOgv86tGd53BA) YOHANNAN, AJIYOS (AJIYOS) <ayohannan@in.ibm.com> 41934: Pure Pattern OOTB setting enhancement 2014/04/24
(1098:_xX3mzct9EeOgv86tGd53BA) YOHANNAN, AJIYOS (AJIYOS) <ayohannan@in.ibm.com> 47462: Update MDM License file in Pure pattern 2014/04/24
Component (1061:_Y2hBQBoyEeKJUMIs5BnyiQ) "mdm_rdm_hub"
(1100:_1Yqb4svvEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks
- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1062:_ZKyBEBoyEeKJUMIs5BnyiQ) "mdm_rdm_ui"
(1101:_fWQ5sswFEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
Component (1063:_w5DZYCggEeGmpshThg53Gg) "mdm_samples"
(1102:_Vs3aYsu0EeOgv86tGd53BA) Wang, Andrew (X.) <andreww@ca.ibm.com> 46930: Incorporate the latest toolkits drops and check in BPM assets 2014/04/24
Component (1064:_vF3j4EgyEeGguLEs8OgeEQ) "mdm_thirdparty"
Component (1065:_8KRAMFQYEeGvKo3sufMuSg) "mdm_ui_legacy"
(1103:_Ooi4p8vYEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
(1104:_2iMIYsvyEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- fix insert dup copyright statement. 2014/04/24
Component (1066:_w33GkCggEeGmpshThg53Gg) "mdm_ui_mds_legacy"
(1105:_PF4geMvOEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- Update copyright only .c, .cpp, .h, and .java 2014/04/24
(1106:_8JuqmsvwEeOgv86tGd53BA) Pham, Duke M. (DUKE) <dmpham@us.ibm.com> 13436: Ongoing build changes to support scrum teams' build scripts and build breaks- fix the copyright statement inserted in wrong location. 2014/04/24
Component (1067:_y0ovYBHyEeGbhcF7ry2bcg) "mdm_workbench"
Component (1068:_gAo40sCREeG5TJrMgweHHg) "operations_asset"
One answer
From the explanation of the argument:
-c [--component] arg The component for baseline comparisons. This option is required if you specify the baseline by using anything other than an alias or UUID.
"--component" is not used to filter the result by component. If you only need to get the change set of a specific component, you can use the command:
scm compare --component <component> baseline <baseline-1> baseline <baseline-2>
From the explanation of the argument:
-c [--component] arg The component for baseline comparisons. This option is required if you specify the baseline by using anything other than an alias or UUID.
"--component" is not used to filter the result by component. If you only need to get the change set of a specific component, you can use the command:
scm compare --component <component> baseline <baseline-1> baseline <baseline-2>