How to publish JUnit logs back to RTC build

I am using RTC, SVN & Jenkins. RTC for change management. SVN for SCM and Jenkins for build management. I have setup Jenkins job to perform build and JUnit. I have created jenkins build engine and build definition in RTC pointing to jenkins job. We use Eclise with RTC plug-in to request builds and also scheduled builds via RTC build definition. Now I do see build results and builds status from RTC build editor page. How to see JUnit results in the RTC build page itself?.
Is it possible to publish JUnit logs back to RTC using "junitlogpublisher" ANT task? If yes, please provide steps on how to do it and changes needed on build engine or build definition.
Note: Do not want to use Jazz SCM. I can install Jazz build toolkit if required.
Thanks Mallanagouda.
One answer

no changes to build engine or definition, but you have to add this task to your ant build script,
and u need the build toolkit to get the supporting ant task plugin.
see the top level topic on this here
no changes to build engine or definition, but you have to add this task to your ant build script,
and u need the build toolkit to get the supporting ant task plugin.
see the top level topic on this here

Hi Sam
Thanks for the answer. What to do in case maven is used for running build and JUnit?.
junitLogPublisher take following parameters. How do I retrieve buildResultUUID and also am not using Jazz build engine here. Do I need to pass buildResultUUID from build definition?
<junitLogPublisher repositoryAddress="${repositoryAddress}"
filePath="junit.xml" />
Please provide some detailed steps to do this.
Thanks in advance
Setting up a more complicated build
2.Edit your Hudson job to allow Rational Team Concert build properties to be passed into the Hudson build.