Saving user failed with CRJAZ2419E while setting up the social network in the user profile and UnknownHostException in the log.

From ccm/web I openened the user profile and selected social network.
Then I put and used the credentials which actually work if I log in directly.
Upon saving I get
Saving user failed with CRJAZ2419E while setting up the social network in the user profile.
the stacktrace in ccm.log goes like
btw: my jazz instance is not allowed to connect outside the intranet but my client is.
Is there a useful help entry?
How can I fix this?
best regards
Then I put and used the credentials which actually work if I log in directly.
Upon saving I get
Saving user failed with CRJAZ2419E while setting up the social network in the user profile.
the stacktrace in ccm.log goes like
2014-04-29 15:59:12,374 [WebContainer : 23 @@ 15:59 myuserlogin /ccm/service/] ERROR -
at so on.
btw: my jazz instance is not allowed to connect outside the intranet but my client is.
Is there a useful help entry?
How can I fix this?
best regards
Accepted answer

Hi Danny,
Social network feature needs an access to connection to social network server from your IBM Jazz Team Server.
You can check whether you have connection access to that server by running following command:
Social network feature needs an access to connection to social network server from your IBM Jazz Team Server.
You can check whether you have connection access to that server by running following command:
ping social-network-server
2 other answers

Did you try pinging the from the JTS server, which is where the request is most call from? Do you get a successful response from the ping?

Hello Philippe,
ping on the jts is not resolving to an IP. But the client does.
Just theoretical: Would I have to expose the server to the internet rather than the client?
best regards

The ping was not to resolve the issue but to determine if the JTS server can reach the Social Network page. And, Yes if you need to setup an external address like the jts, or the any of the CLM applications (the JVM for the app) need access to the network that it is targeting, in this case the World Wide Web.
1 vote

Thank you.