Jazz Distributed SCM Component Deliver Failed Error:"Error invoking remote service at....."

Accepted answer

One other answer

have you looked at https://jazz.net/library/article/1399 how to set this up?
I agree with Sam and the firewall concern. Can a client (or the server) from outside of the domain connect to the server inside the domain?
You only need to make the CCM Servers friends if you want to follow the work item links on change sets to both servers.
Is this an error message in the client, or in the server? I assume the client. Have you looked into the server CCM logs as well as into the client log (in the .metadata folder of the workspace)

I continue to disagree with you, please see the results for someone else
See Kevin's answer posted here (answered Apr 26, 5:30 a.m.)
without the friends config, I do not know how server 1 could logon to server 2 for the DSCM operations. unless you are saying that ANYONE could do these operations unauthenticated.

I have created and done the whole workshop (on Tomcat) several times without creating any friends relationships.
I have in fact moved the server to another site (virtually) and deliver the changes to the 3rd server while there was no friends relationship whatsoever.
From my experience the friends relationship is not necessary for the distributed SCM. But we don't have to agree on this. Maybe someone else can show us the light.

Hi Ralph,

The friends configuration isn't necessary to deliver change sets between servers. However, it is useful if you want to link a work item to a change set on another server.
sam detweiler
Apr 29 '14, 8:19 a.m.is there a firewall between between inside and outside? note that the communications between servers is both ways, while communications from the client to the server is one way.
also, do both servers have distributed SCM enabled in their ccm advanced admin.
you also need to make the servers friends.
Ahmet Emir Kesim
Apr 29 '14, 9:20 a.m.Hi sam,
sam detweiler
Apr 29 '14, 9:48 a.m.where is 'outside'? the internet? 10. network domains, like 192.168. are not routable.
so I suspect that the address needs to be the address of the firewall & port and there is some port forwarding that goes on under the covers.
my external address, provided by my ISP is 108., but my rtc server is on 192.168. internally.
Ahmet Emir Kesim
Apr 29 '14, 9:38 a.m.What I mean by outside is area outside the company domain that can be connected from outside of the company with some VPN configurations. Our network starts with 10.** address.
Ahmet Emir Kesim
Apr 29 '14, 9:40 a.m.Also , I'm trying to apply https://jazz.net/library/article/535/ ,but still I get that error " An error occurred while requesting an oAuth cosumer key from server..."
sam detweiler
Apr 29 '14, 9:53 a.m.I think you are using the wrong address for the internal server from outside.
1. you must connect via VPN BEFORE making the friends config so yhat the external server is logically on your 10. company network. (some vpn's don't allow just any port traffic)
2. you MUST use the address of the firewall, and port AND the firewall must do port forwarding to get the incoming requested address mapped to the internal 10. address and port.
I do this on my personal system, map 108.xxx.xxx.xxx:443 to 192.168.2.xx:9443 internally, so that the server can be accessed from somewhere outside my home.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Apr 29 '14, 9:59 a.m.Using IP Addresses in the public URI of the servers is also not a good practice. You should use fully qualified domain names for the hosts that are machine independent and are reachable via DNS.