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Help for backlog plan grouping configuration (2M2)

Andrés Guerrero (20613218) | asked Apr 03 '09, 5:14 a.m.
Hi All,

I know that is possible to configure new custom fields for backlog grouping and that this configuration must be edited directly on the process configuration XML source.
Where can I find some help/documentation about this?


Best regards

7 answers

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Johannes Rieken (1.2k1) | answered Apr 06 '09, 3:47 a.m.
jaguerrero wrote:
Hi All,

I know that is possible to configure new custom fields for backlog
grouping and that this configuration must be edited directly on the
process configuration XML source.
Where can I find some help/documentation about this?

I encourage you to use the latest milestone as it allows you to
configure all this without the need of touching the XML source directly.
If this is not an option for you, I'll provide some snippets.

Cheers, Johannes
Agile Planning Team

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Andrés Guerrero (20613218) | answered Apr 06 '09, 9:15 a.m.
Hi Johannes,

I'm not able to use the last milestone because our pilot projects are going to run on 2M2 so at this moment is not an option.

Thanks in advance



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Andrés Guerrero (20613218) | answered Apr 09 '09, 5:42 a.m.
Johannes please,
Could you give me these snippets you are talking about?

Thank you!


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Johannes Rieken (1.2k1) | answered Apr 29 '09, 3:17 a.m.
jaguerrero wrote:
Johannes please,
Could you give me these snippets you are talking about?

Thank you!


Hi there,

the snippets look like the following. Add the this parameters
declaration as child element to the groupmode element you like.


Cheers, Johannes
Agile Planning Team

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Apr 29 '09, 4:27 a.m.
Hello Johannes,

just as a sidenote I have discovered these and other snippets (especially
iteration plan configuration) from the Beta 1 "New and Noteworthy" however,
I could not easily figure the surrounding XML statement.

I'll wait for the next beta and use the UI instead.


jaguerrero wrote:

Johannes please,
Could you give me these snippets you are talking about?
Thank you!


Hi there,

the snippets look like the following. Add the this parameters
declaration as child element to the groupmode element you like.

parameter key="field"
value="" /
parameter key="field" value="progress" /
parameter key="field"
value="" /

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Andrés Guerrero (20613218) | answered Jun 02 '09, 10:14 a.m.
Hello again Johannes,

I'm trying to configure on M2 milestone (I can't update to another version by now) custom grouping and filtering.

<filter description="Custom Filter" id="????????" implementation="" name="Elementos ABSIS">

<parameter key="attribute" value=""/>

<groupmode id="_lf0MkE9fEd6CEoyHCihV-w" implementation="" name="Actividad">
<parameter key="attribute" value=""/>

The problem here is that I need to reuse an existent filter in order to make it usable (new filters don't appear on the side panel).
Trying this on RC1 I got the ids simply editing the name of the filter. This action makes the filter appear on the configuration XML file (so I can see the id)

No problem with grouping, It works just adding a new grouping element.

How can I get the ids of the existing filters on RTC2.0M2??


Hello Johannes,

just as a sidenote I have discovered these and other snippets (especially
iteration plan configuration) from the Beta 1 "New and Noteworthy" however,
I could not easily figure the surrounding XML statement.

I'll wait for the next beta and use the UI instead.


jaguerrero wrote:

Johannes please,
Could you give me these snippets you are talking about?
Thank you!


Hi there,

the snippets look like the following. Add the this parameters
declaration as child element to the groupmode element you like.

parameter key="field"
value="" /
parameter key="field" value="progress" /
parameter key="field"
value="" /


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Johannes Rieken (1.2k1) | answered Jun 03 '09, 6:07 a.m.
The problem here is that I need to reuse an existent filter in order
to make it usable (new filters don't appear on the side panel).
Trying this on RC1 I got the ids simply editing the name of the
filter. This action makes the filter appear on the configuration XML
file (so I can see the id)

No problem with grouping, It works just adding a new grouping

How can I get the ids of the existing filters on RTC2.0M2??

You'll have to dig a little ;-). In general, the I'd say that the ids
didn't change much between M2 and now, but to double check you should
find the plugin and extract its plugin.xml.
There you find all predefined filters, groupmodes and so.

Cheers, Johannes
Agile Planning Team

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