Attribute of type Integer with Kind 'String'

Hi All,
I am using rtc 4.0.5. I have created a custom attribute of type integer.
I have set the kind also to Integer and added it to the presentation.
I open the workitem and it seems to be fine. Also it is editable.
Now the problem is when I set the kind to string, it becomes read only in the presentation. When I open the WI I am not able to edit the field ?
Why is this happening ? is it a defect ?
One answer

I was able to reproduce on 4.0.5. I think this is working as designed. Integer attributes should only be of type Integer from the Editor Presentation. I think the 'string' option is used when synchronizing from an external source. That being said, I would recommend you open up a PMR with support to get clarification from dev if this is working as designed.