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Adding Environment options...

Sterling Ferguson-II (1.6k10288273) | asked Mar 30 '09, 11:39 a.m.

This should be simple, hopefully.

I need to list Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox 3.1 to the Environment Type of Browsers.

How do I do this?


4 answers

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Robert Rassmann (9923) | answered Mar 30 '09, 3:45 p.m.
Here are some instructions that I wrote up for dong this kind of thing. The only way to do this currently is by posting xml to the server. We are planning on adding some UI around this in a future version.

Updating the Lab Management Catalog


The lab management catalog is the place where the possible components of all lab resources are defined. This catalog can be added to by using the REST API. Note that in the current release of Quality Manager you may only add to the catalog. There is no method for deleting from the catalog.


The catalog can be thought of as containing trees of lab resource parts. Each of the trees is rooted with a generic part for the family of parts that it contains. For example, there is an operating system family which contains a part for each of the operating systems defined in the catalog. A small section of this family would look like:

........AIX 4.3.3
........AIX 5.1
........AIX 5.2
........AIX 5.3

The structure of this tree is important as it effects searches done on lab resources. In a search, a lab resource is considered to have part values for the specific part assigned to that lab resource and all of the parts up the parent links in the tree. So in the example above if a search is done for a resource with AIX 5.1 only AIX 5.1 resources will be returned. However if a search is done for resources with AIX, any resource with either AIX, AIX 4.3.3, AIX5.1, etc. will be returned because resources with specific AIX operating systems are considered to have the generic AIX operating system.

The catalog currently has three families that can be extended. They are CPU, Operating System and Software Install. There are two ways to get the names of the existing parts in the catalog. The easiest way is to go to the Create Machine UI. In the dropdown for the type of each of these components is the list of existing parts. The second way is to do a get at https://SERVER:9443/jazz/secure/service/ where SERVER is the name of your Quality Manager server. This will return a feed containing elements for all of the parts in the catalog.

Adding a Part

Parts can be added to the catalog using the REST API for labresourceattribute. The name of the new part is the id placed in the URL. The parent of where the part will be in the tree is in the parent element in the xml body. The parent can be the name of an actual part (such as AIX) or one of the three root parts (CPU, OperatingSystem or SoftwareInstall ). Once this PUT is completed successfully, the catalog will change on the Quality Manager server. For a client to see this change they will need to log out and then log back into the server.

Example 1 Adding a new part to an existing type

Suppose in the tree above we wish to add a new operating system of type AIX. The name of this operating system is AIX 6.0. If our server name is qmserv this would be accomplished by making a PUT to


(Note that the space is replaced by a %20)

The xml passed to the PUT would be (Note: I had to encode the less than and greater than symbols here to get them to show up in this post. Don't do that in your actual xml.):

&tl;xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8">

&tl;labresourceattribute xmlns="">

(See how AIX is used as the parent. This ensures that AIX 6.0 becomes a child of AIX.)

This would result in the tree looking as follows:

........AIX 4.3.3
........AIX 5.1
........AIX 5.2
........AIX 5.3
........AIX 6.0

Example 2 Adding a new part to the root

Suppose in the tree above we wish to add a new operating system of type that didnt previously exist. The name of this operating system is OS R. If our server name is qmserv this would be accomplished by making a PUT to


(Note that the space is replaced by a %20)

The xml passed to the PUT would be:

&tl;xml vers ion="1.0" enc oding="UTF-8">

&tl;labresourceattribute xm lns="">

(See how the generic OperatingSystem is used as the parent. This ensures that OS R is a new type of operating system. The three root parts that can be used in this ay are CPU, OperatingSystem and SoftwareInstall.)

This would result in the tree looking as follows:

........AIX 4.3.3
........AIX 5.1
........AIX 5.2
........AIX 5.3
....OS R

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Sterling Ferguson-II (1.6k10288273) | answered Mar 31 '09, 9:37 a.m.

Well, while I research and learn xml and REST API...

Can you submit a RFE for a UI to add/modify/delete from pick lists? I cannot go back to my test groups with this one....

We will have to wait until a UI is created before migration.

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Robert Rassmann (9923) | answered Mar 31 '09, 2:16 p.m.

Well, while I research and learn xml and REST API...

Can you submit a RFE for a UI to add/modify/delete from pick lists? I cannot go back to my test groups with this one....

We will have to wait until a UI is created before migration.

We're already working on enhancements including a UI for this area.

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Sterling Ferguson-II (1.6k10288273) | answered Mar 31 '09, 3:10 p.m.
Thanks for the response. This would be of great interest to us....

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