RPE report to return content from one workitem

When using a uri like so
"https://url.com/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/workItem[projectArea/name='Project A']/(*/*/*/*)"
we get back the all data for all the work items in 'Projects A'
When using a uri like so "https://url.com/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/workItem[id=1799](/*/*/*/*)"
we get back the data for work item 1799
How can we get the a URI that has the id value as a variable entered or passed to the template at run time?
The purpose is we would like to have a word document created, as part of the work flow process in RTC, to the recipients of the document will not be RTC user and need to sign the document for legal reasons.
I am using the template file that can be found RTC_Custom_Enumeration_Attributes.dta
RTC 4.03
RPE 1.2.11
One answer

I haven't tried this exact case but I would start by creating an external variable called "id" in RPE. Then create a container with a query of "workitem/workItem" and a native filter of 'id="${id}"' (make sure you've selected the "id" variable as being available in the Filter Editor). You can then use a nested container to start outputting values from the workitem.