How do I set a component's root folder .jazzignore to ignore .jazzignore modifications?

The question sounds loopy, but here is the situation. We have a project area where developers accidentally added files to the jazz ignore list and experienced the pain of troubleshooting it (not knowing it was accidentally ignored) and requiring that they reverse that jazzignore file delivered as a result. They would like to prevent the check-in and delivery of any .jazzignore modifications since they currently don't have a need to add to the existing Eclipse ignored list.
Is there a way to modify their source code component's root folder .jazzignore, such that I can set it to ignore .jazzignore?
Using the following results in the filter catching the jazzignore file itself so you can't check-in and deliver that modification. *.jazzignore
core.ignore.recursive = {*.jazzignore} {\.*}
A workaround is to modify the Eclipse ignore file list itself to add *.jazzignore, but then that is a by-client setting and not a setting we would like to deploy to the whole company.
One answer

the "Restrict Changes to Items" precondition may help in this case. Here are some documents which describe this in more detail: