Show history in RTC 4.0.5 command line client
I'm trying to use a command
scm.exe -u y -a n show history -m 99 -r <repo> --remotePath -w <ws> --component <comp> file.txt
but I'm getting an error message "Problem running 'show history': Workspace, Component and file path must be specified when using -R/--remotePath option. Try 'scm help show history' for more information."
In RTC client 4.0.2 it was working, am I something missing or is there some trick to make it run again? Thanks. D.
Accepted answer
I believe you are hitting defect
This was fixed in 4.0.6. There was a change made to make the component short option consistent with rest of the commands i.e., change -c to -C. This caused the issue.
To workaround this issue, instead of the long option use both the short options together. For ex:
scm.exe -u y -a n show history -m 99 -r <repo> --remotePath -w <ws> -c <comp> -C <comp> file.txt