How to unload a folder loaded in RTC

3 answers


Note that you don't have to flatten the directory structure ... you can load the directories at the same relative pathname that they had before.

Another note: I tried the approach of loading via a load rule file which had a separate entry for the directory to be unloaded, but was not able to find a way to "unload" just that one share. In particular, I was trying to use the --paths option of the "scm unload" command, but couldn't make it unload just the share at the specified path. So the only approach that I found so far was to unload the whole component, edit the load rule file to remove that entry, and then reload the component using the modified load rule file. I submitted work item Provide mechanism to unload a share (304296) asking for a way to unload a share.
1 vote

I dont want to use the load rules and I guess you would get more of these sort of requests. It is common to load full component and unload a specific folder if user dont want. Is there no other way to unload a folder?

There is no way I know of other than to use load rules.


Folder which I wanted to delete is not an eclipse project. This case I was trying to delete them from Sandbox and then it appears again in Unresolved Pending changes. How can Unload this folder, so that it wont show in Pending Changes?

I assume that the folder is under version control. When you say "so that it won't show in Pending Changes", I assume it is the deletion of the folder that you do not want to see in Pending Changes. Assuming those assumptions are correct ... why do you want to unload this folder?

I wanted to download it to check and dont want to connect anymore. Reason for that is this is server folder and after I download there would be bunch of temporary files created which I dont to show in Pending changes. So all I wanted is initial download and then unload so that RTC would not recognize the Pending changes.

Why are there a bunch of temporary files created? (still trying to understand the scenario). In particular, whether just adding adding this directory to .jazz_ignore is a reasonable approach.

This is a server folder and with every deploy there would tmp files created (assume as temporary internet files created for every browser you open). So I just wanted to dowload the folder initially and unload it. List of temporary folders/files created are more, so adding them to ignored might not be good option. Isn't there a way to Unload one particular folder alone (just like while loading we select folders which wanted to load)?

Deleting the share is the proper approach to unloading it. Work item 285999 (The deletion of the content of a component from local sandbox is not reflected in the Eclipse GUI (285999)) was fixed in 5.0 so there is no pending deletion now when a share is deleted.
2 votes