Sample Workflow
Above is the sample workflow. Transition are possible to and from every single state.
NOTE: This is just an sample workflow that resembles the actual workflow. State and transition names have been changed.
1) Workflow has a
HOLD state. A work item can go to this
HOLD state from any state. But when leaving the
HOLD state, we need a validation:
Workitem can go only to its previous state (State from which workitem came to HOLD state and no other state.
Example: If workitem goes to HOLD state from NEW, it can only go back to NEW state and not IN PROGRESS or FINISH states.
2) Workflow has a
Work item can go to IN PROGRESS state from any states. But when leaving the IN PROGRESS state, workitem can only go back to its previous state(s) TRAIL.
Example Trail 1: Workitem can go from NEW > HOLD > IN PROGRESS. In this situation, workitem can only go back to NEW or HOLD states and not any other states.
Example Trail 2: Workitem can go from NEW > FINISH > IN PROGRESS. In this situation, workitem can only go back to NEW or FINISH states and not any other states.
3) Workflow has a
A workitem can be associated to a CHANGE-SET only if it is in IN PROGRESS state.
Help would be really appreciated.
Priority: Critical
Does sale depends on these questions?: YES 100%
Is customer losing confidence?: Yes if above requirements are not implemented.
Pratik Bengali