Migrating elements with history from CC to RTC 4.0.5
5 answers
RTC 4.0.5 supports but how to do that??
ClearCase Importer
New ClearCase Version Importer has improved migration capabilities
Previously, the ClearCase history importer could import versions with labels in a single sequence. The importer did not import versions without labels or UCM baselines, and it also required several manual steps to import multiple branches or UCM streams from Rational ClearCase. Now, the new ClearCase Version Importer can migrate all the versions in any branches in Rational ClearCase in a single operation, and the version branching is also replicated in Rational Team Concert source control. The importer also preserves the checked-in user information.
Two new sub-commands were added to the ClearCase Synchronizer installation package. When you migrate data from a Rational ClearCase VOB to Rational Team Concert source control, you first export the versions and their metadata to intermediate files with this command:
>ccc export ccase -d <intermediate data directory> -i <ClearCase view-extended path> -F <format string(fmt_ccase) for RTC change-set comment>Then, you can import the intermediate data to Rational Team Concert source control with this command:
>ccc import ccase -d <intermediate data directory> -s <RTC stream> -c <RTC component> -r <RTC repository URL> -u <user name> -P <password>Before you run the import command, you can optionally configure the credential mapping from Rational ClearCase to Rational Team Concert. By specifying the credential mapping, you can see the Rational Team Concert change sets created during the import are owned by the specified mapped account in the file's history.
When the import command completes, all the files under the specified Rational ClearCase view-extended path are imported into Rational Team Concert, and when you open a file's history, you can find all the versions that were in the Rational ClearCase VOB:
Note: This new importer can be used for both Base ClearCase and UCM ClearCase, but it does not import UCM metadata. And it does not import label types as a Rational Team Concert baseline in this release.
se -d \\IBM-2TDINACNRHC\Views\MIG_CC_RTC -s Test_Migration_Integration -c COMP_S
OPS -r https://ibm-2tdinacnrhc:9443/ccm/ -u DHRUV -P ADMIN
Ambiguous selector "COMP_SOPS" matched multiple items:
Possible matches:
(1000) "COMP_SOPS"
(1001) "COMP_SOPS"
Problem running 'import ccase':
Could not import data to Jazz SCM because of the following error:
Ambiguous component "COMP_SOPS".