Test connection failed during custom setup with Oracle 11g.
Getting the below error while configuring Oracle database connection properties in Jazz custom setup page.
The server was unable to connect to the database because the database connection settings are invalid or because database is unreachable (SQLSTATE: 99999, SQLCODE: 17067). Verify the connection settings in your teamserver.prop
Able to login to the database using https://localhost:1158/em ...
some suggestions please.
One answer
Hi Joe,
As you're using localhost for your em URL, I assume that you have Oracle on the same machine as CLM?
In that case you need to ensure that each one of these are correct:
jazzDBUser = the user you defined in your CREATE USER <name>
{password} = will have been entered in the password field above, but is the IDENTIFIED BY string from the same create users line
For the other parts of this string, then these settings need to match your Oracle tnsnames.ora file:
oracleserver.example.com = try using the FQDN as in this example rather than localhost, but HOST in the tnsnames.ora entry
1521/ORCL = these correspond to the PORT and SERVICE_NAME in the tnsnames.ora file.
If you verify these settings and are still encountering a problem, then please see Krzys' comment so we can troubleshoot further.
Kind regards,
When configuring an Oracle database connection, does anything need to be manually updated in the teamserver.properties file, or will the JTS custom setup wizard do everything?
Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk
Jan 13 '14, 8:23 a.m.Hi Joe,
Could you please provide your database settings from teamserver.properties or from the page where you have error message?