build engine and build definition visibility
3 answers
The APIs you're using are the correct ones to use. I can't explain the filtering problem either. If you're able to view the project area in the TA view (i.e. the client has connected to it OK), you should be able to view its builds, and all builds should be visible when the filter is 'All Project and Team Areas'. Could it be just a refresh problem, i.e. if you restart the client does the problem go away? How were you able to delete the items if they weren't visible?
restart eclipse doesn't resolve the issue. restart clean doesn't resolve the issue, disconnect from project, reconnect doesn't affect the issue.
I must admit I'm really puzzled by this. Might need you to debug into BuildDomainContentProvider.getBuildDefinitionStatusRecords
Ok, will put that onto my list of things to do . thanks