CLM failover force application cache flush
we are working thru our DR scenarios and there is confusion over the process.
I see the doc at
which discusses cold and idle failover scenarios, but (in my 5th day here) there seems to be some expectation that (with one database) we can start the DR site apps 'quickly' by sending some 'flush' signal to the production CLM apps & WAS.
I am not aware of this scenario being supported, single replicated DB with multiple app sites and near 'hot' failover.
can anyone point me to any different doc than the above..
One answer
and we may have found a bug. It appears during DR someone created a CLM project. On revert back to production landscape, the RM component of the CLM application still references the DR RM server applications string..
from the CLM project overview
from jts/registered applications
Prod =
/rm |
Requirements Management
4.0.4 | https://server/rm/scr | 27a04e76cf434b298838b7127f631521 |
notice the application keys are different. I need to look at the config on the DR site