How to move a file from outgoing changeset back to unresolved?

Hi guys,
I've searched around but haven't found a useful answer yet... I've mistakenly added a modified file into a changeset. It's a meta file which I don't want to check in, nor do I want to simply ignore it. So how can I just move it back to unresolved meanwhile keep the modification to that file in workspace?
Accepted answer

I was hoping to find something cool for your, like just drag it back to Unresolved -- but no such luck. Associating the file with a change set checks it in, so your server-side workspace now has the updated copy. That check-in needs to be undone.
The easiest way I found was to use the context menu to Move the file to a new changeset (this gets it out of the one you mistakenly added it to). Open the file in the editor and copy the contents (this may not be necessary, depending on previous file history). Discard the new change set. The opened file may revert an earlier state. Replace the contents that you just copied out. Save the file -- it will reappear in Unresolved.

Thank you very much. At least we have a solution. Hope RTC can support that feature in the future.

You can also use the "Undo" action on the file change to remove it from the change set and revert it to an earlier state. This will save you creating a new change set just to discard it.

Thanks, Scott, that would be simpler: copy file contents, undo to move out the the accidental change set, open file, paste in contents to restore it. I got too wrapped up in the change set manipulation to step back and see that.