How to use CCM repository with RFT scripts in Quality manager?

Hi all! We have repository with automated rft scripts in CCM and remote machines connected via RQM adapters. We can locally run our scripts on these machines. But we want to execute the current version of the scrips from Quality manager. We create test script, choose Rational Functional Tester type and want to use shared resourse. How to configure QM for this purpose?
One answer

Hi Igor,
If you want to run them from a shared (remote) resource, you have copy the scripts stored in CCM to the shared (remote) location. This would including the meta files of the RFT Project Area structure. And would apply to any source control system.
I've never tried it, but in theory, If you put the entire project under source control and provide a shared network location, you could avoid the copy. But I would imagine for testing the scripts, you must have a project area with the latest set of scripts.
If you want to run them from a shared (remote) resource, you have copy the scripts stored in CCM to the shared (remote) location. This would including the meta files of the RFT Project Area structure. And would apply to any source control system.
I've never tried it, but in theory, If you put the entire project under source control and provide a shared network location, you could avoid the copy. But I would imagine for testing the scripts, you must have a project area with the latest set of scripts.