RPT RQM Adapter uses RTC Workspace directory - Out of sync problem

Hey Guys,
i'm using the Rational Performance Tester to create component tests which should be automated within RQM. Thus I installed the RPT with the RQM-Adapter on my test system which is installed as a windows service.
My test cases are under version control of the RTC and therefore they need to be checked out on the test system. This is realized by a build engine + definition which performs a check out. This directory is referenced in the workspace of the RPT. Thus it is possible to perform a run of the test cases controlled by the RQM which represents the desired functionality.
The major problem of this solution is when a new check out is done by the build engine. This results in the error that the referenced test cases within RPT are out of sync and cannot be build anymore. The check out and build complete without any issues! The error occurs during the RPT test execution. I personally assume that the workspace of the RPT is loaded and synced only on the startup of the RQM service thus any modification is not recognized....
Best Regards
One answer

In which log do you see this error in; the adapter log or the QM log? Can you post the contents of the error so we can review it?

This message will be returned to the RQM:
"The following message was reported by the adapter engine:
Error executing script. Reason: Problems occurred during launch: Code generation completed with errors. Error encountered while creating or compiling test project. An error occurred while attempting to configure test project: com.ibm.rational.test.lt.codegen.core.storage.eclipse.ProjectConfigurationException: org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ResourceException: Resource is out of sync with the file system: '/MYProject/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF'.."

The error is being generated by RPT/Eclipse rather than the RQM and the adapter. I would assume you would encounter this same type of error if you manually tried to run the script from RPT (i.e. taking RQM out of the picture ). The mechanism of checking in and checking out the test scripts is effecting the RPT Workspce
I would suggest posting your original question on the RPT public forum in the Developerworks site : the forum can be accessed from this link
This forum is monitored by the RPT team; they may be able to give you some additional insight on source of the issue