story progress bar status
RTC 4.0.3
We setup a agile project and created a bunch of stories for the developers.
We noted some odd behaviors and are wondering if this is normal.
If a story has a child task linked to it, and no points are assigned to the story, the progress bar shows status based on the estimate/effort defined on the child task.
If you assign points to that same story, the progress bar clears showing no progress.
Is this normal/expected behavior?
We're new to agile so we're going through a lit of a learning curve.
One answer
In scrum or agile projects story points are credited with zero until a story is finished and all, when it is finished. There are no partial credits when some or all of the child task are finished.
A good practice is to have not to big stories because the product owner would not see any progress in story points until that big story is finished, although baybe 90% of the child tasks are ready. Better to split stories into smaller ones because than you could see progress.
I was questioning the behavior of the status bar. If the story has 0 points assigned and has linked tasks, it shows progress. If you then assign a point value to the same story, the progress bar shows no progress.
Did you in the mean time recieved any answer for this through any other channel?
Currently we also have this question.