Will Load rule be able to get associated with the stream and stream snapshot and archived?

Creation of stream snapshot will have all the modules inside a component to get a snapshot.
When we create a workspace with this snapshot, we can get all the modules in the repository workspace as well as loading them to the sandbox is possible for all the modules.
But, only the selected modules must be loaded in the sandbox.
That is, the load rule with a file (that has the choice of modules) must be associated with the stream and the snapshot of the stream by default.
With this, the user must not be able to load other modules in the repository apart from the ones that are associated with the load rule file..
One answer

I do not think it is possible to associate loadrules with streams or workspaces and have them be applied automatically while loading.
Once you have created a loadrule, you can store it in the local file system or in a specialized component in your stream. Each user will need to specify what loadrule to use while loading the workspace. Users can point to a loadrule in local file system or remotely in a component.
If your goal is to restrict certain components from being loaded and used by some team members, you might want to consider changing the owner and visibility.
Once you have created a loadrule, you can store it in the local file system or in a specialized component in your stream. Each user will need to specify what loadrule to use while loading the workspace. Users can point to a loadrule in local file system or remotely in a component.
If your goal is to restrict certain components from being loaded and used by some team members, you might want to consider changing the owner and visibility.