synchronization with Subversion and servers/environment Configuration Management tool, such as Puppet.

Rational Team Concernt synchronization with Subversion and servers/environment Configuration Management tool, such as Puppet
The need is to synchronize existing Subversion repos to RTC, and have RTC trigger, depending on its work items workflow state some commands to a config management tool named "Puppet".
Does RTC support SVN along with Puppet?
Accepted answer

Here are the integrations supported, at least most of them anyway:
You can probably build a SVN synchronizer or something that tells RTC that a SVN artifact has changed. RTC can be extended to act on work item changes. Dependent on the puppet API, you might be able to integrate them yourself.
Comments looks more like a tool that you would integrate into builds from the 5 minutes I was reading.

Here some links to extending RTC:
One other answer

I have difficulties in understanding what exactly you want to do. Anyway you are able to link Subversion repositories to work items:
Please let me know if it helps for you.
Best regards,
Krzysztof Kazmierczyk
Kunal Doddanavar
Jun 19 '13, 2:18 p.m.Hi Krzysztof,
The user needs to know if RTC supports SVN along with Puppet?
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 19 '13, 7:23 a.m.This question does not have any more specifics than the other. I looked at the question and found the information insufficient fora good answer. If you want a good answer, provide the use case and more information what is supposed to happen. I will provide a general answer below.