Restricting access to RTC Dashboard visibility

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Thanks Indradri.
I have set up an admin team area as a workaround for now. This prevents Team Area members to view information related to other teams.

Hi Naweed,

Hello there,
Yes, other team area users can still go in the dashboard. The way I have handled widget security is to customise the queries in each team area to return data just for the team. However I have kept it very minimal and using Insight for more advanced reporting.
Hope this helps.

You can restrict dashboard or project visibility only for certain members, not Jazz groups.

To be more specific. I have got several team areas under 1 Project.
So team members belonging to Team area A for example will see only for Dashboard Team A and Team B their own one only.
However I want to create a top level one or perhaps a different tab where I can restrict access to all team members but only administrators would be able to see the details.