RQMExcelWordImporter Execution Work Item link whit Test Plan

RQMExcelWordImporter Execution Work Item link whit Test Plan
Hi All,
I need to import one Test Plan, some Test Cases (These Test Cases must be linked to Test Plan ) and for each Test Case must be linked to Test Execution Record.
I managed to import all artifacts and now the test Plan is linked to all Test Cases and each test Case is linket one Test Execution record, but I can not linked all Test Execution Record to the Test Plan.
I saw on the link "https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RQMExcelWordImporter" but I have not found anything to create this association.
The version of RQM is and the version of RQMExcelWordImporter is 4.0.4637.1164
Can you help me?
Best Regards
Serena Rondoni