How to reconnect to project area in rational team concert (RTC).

Accepted answer

then verify the repository connection to ensure the repository where the project area resides is the one you are attempting to search the project area from.. this is to be able to see the project areas from "Manage Connected Project Areas" from the repository connection.
get the url to the project area from other members who can access and try using the web client with Bob's login to see if that works... to rule out the possibility that the mail template was altered and lists the project area name incorrectly....
i know my post does not give an answer to you but it might help in understanding the situation better...


the error message suggests lack of read access :
and to what i understand removing a member from the project area removes read access to the user.
However, as per my understanding, when the user is added back he should get the read access..
I did a quick test with my setup and was able to remove the member and add him back with the proper access restored automatically. So, i guess something else is breaking in your case or the issue is specific to the version/build you are using....

Yes, it supposes to be restored the read access permission automatically while member being added back to the project.

one more quick verification to do is the way the project area access has been setup.
if access is restricted to the members of the access list only, apart from adding the user as a member, you will have to additionally add the user to one of the access lists of the project area.