Is there a way to filter out a delta list of testcase execution records from two runs?

I have a test suite that consists of ~1100 testcases that I ran in two different environements with the TSER stored in RQM.
Example: in ENV1 there were 950 passes and 150 failures
in ENV2 there were 750 passes and 350 failures
I wanted a list of testcase execution records that would show the delta of 200 failures in ENV2?
I tried the Execution records filter
The best is if I just query both environments and order by testcase name and then look at the differences which is rather daunting.
Also is there a way to query similar delta list between any two testsuite execution runs?
Accepted answer

Your approach was good. You can try this:
Query both environments and last result (result state is not passed) and then order by test case and then group by test case. The group of test case which will have only 1 execution record (or has entry for one environment and no entry for other environment), those execution records are the delta list
Query both environments and last result (result state is not passed) and then order by test case and then group by test case. The group of test case which will have only 1 execution record (or has entry for one environment and no entry for other environment), those execution records are the delta list