BIRT report and TestSuite sections
I use RQM version 4.0.1 and I would like to put, in a BIRT report, TestSuites sections, for example Pre-conditions.
I have created a Datasource on http://server/qm with "LIVE_SNAPSHOT".
Then, I have searched to understand how to get TestSuite sections in a DataSet.
First, I have used the table and the column section.***.
Nevertheless, I only see names and ID but not values ...
I can see sections that interests me but I do not find the value :
- id =
Can you help me, please ???
Accepted answer
NOTE: the code of LIVE_SNAPSHOT is maintained in Jazz foundation reporting team and RQM reporting team can not do anything against it.
However, the value of section is stored in 'content' filed of model, and the type is 'Content' where it is able to store the rich text, but it is not added queryable attribute. So you can not see it in the table of LIVE_SNAPSHOT.
You can consider to use RPE or RRDG to export the fields instead of BIRT report. I remember the value of section is exposed by RQM reportable REST API, please refer to
Could the inner PDF exporting ability of RQM meet your requirement?
Hello Jun,
Thanks for your response.
I am going to switch to RPE in order to export this sections.
The PDF export is impossible in my case, because in some fields, with lots of tables or images, the export failed. In fact, the objects overlap ...
I have just a last question : the default PDF export is linked with predifined RPE report or other technology ?
No, the default PDF export is not using RPE and it is developed by RQM itself.
3 other answers
No, the name is interface name in code and not the name in REST API. Sorry for the confusing.
Please try the URL:
Why is my wrote content changed after posting?
Please try the URL:
Under the top resource 'testsuite', you will find '' that is what you wanted.
Finally with your url we haven't succeeded to obtain results ;-( I don't understand but the fields are unavailable : they are disabled.
But, we have tried to use the url https://qmserver:port/qm/service/ project area/testsuite and this case, I have the field and I have succeeded to obtain TestSuite sections.
Your URL format is incorrect for RQM, please refer to:
Sorry Jun but the documentation is not really clear.
As described in the wiki, I have used the url https://myRTCserver/qm/service/
I have replaced ????? by some schemas for example feed.xsd or qm.xsd but I don't find in all schemas
Can you help me ?
I have connected RPE Studio with a schema REST using the url https://myRQMserver/qm/rpt/repository?metadata=schema.
I have used the "generic" href name and I have tried to found the model without success ...
Where is stored this model ?
Thanks for your help