If RTC is just used for versioning cobol applicatons what is the best way to transfer to host for building?
Accepted answer
Take a look at https://ryehle.wordpress.com/2012/05/01/sample-custom-ant-task/ for a sample Ant task that will load your modified files to MVS.
One other answer
We are using the Translator Definition to execute a Rexx on the mainframe that takes the source that the Build Definition dropped into a PDS and pushes it to our existing SCM Tool's Build routine.
We pass the information as Name=Value pairs and the Rexx parses it to know the name of the PDS the member is in and what the member name is and an identifier that the Build is being performed from RTCz. The PDS/Member come into the EXEC script as RTCz variables.
EXEC '<pds where rexx lives>(<name of rexx>)' 'CALLINGPGM=RTCZ LIBRARY=@{source.dataset} MEMBER=@{source.member.name}'
This allows us to submit builds for all of our Host code (Rexx, COBOL, PL1, Easytrieve, Assembler, etc) since our existing SCM Tool Build function handles the language identification and creates the appropriate JCL for the Build.