Error deploying predefined process templates

I'm trying to go through the Jazz extender tutorials, and I've run into
a problem deploying the process templates. When I click Deploy
predefined process templates in the web UI, I get the following error
Error deploying predefined process templates to the repository. Please
check your server log for more details.
When you are running the server from the development platform, where
are the server logs?
a problem deploying the process templates. When I click Deploy
predefined process templates in the web UI, I get the following error
Error deploying predefined process templates to the repository. Please
check your server log for more details.
When you are running the server from the development platform, where
are the server logs?
3 answers

Thanks for your reply. Deploying from the client did give me a beter
error message. It told me that the ADMIN user didn't have an assigned
license. Opening the ADMIN user page and assigning it a Developer
license allowed me to deploy the process templates.
The instructions here:
should be updated to indicate that you must give the ADMIN user a
license before deploying the process templates.
On 2008-12-04 16:43:19 -0600, "Ryan Manwiller"
<ryanman> said:
Thanks for your reply. Deploying from the client did give me a beter
error message. It told me that the ADMIN user didn't have an assigned
license. Opening the ADMIN user page and assigning it a Developer
license allowed me to deploy the process templates.
The instructions here:
should be updated to indicate that you must give the ADMIN user a
license before deploying the process templates.
On 2008-12-04 16:43:19 -0600, "Ryan Manwiller"
<ryanman> said:
Can you try deploying from the eclipse client? I believe the error
message is better there than in the web ui.
"Bryan Hunt" <bhunt> wrote in message
I'm trying to go through the Jazz extender tutorials, and I've run into
a problem deploying the process templates. When I click Deploy
predefined process templates in the web UI, I get the following error
Error deploying predefined process templates to the repository. Please
check your server log for more details.
When you are running the server from the development platform, where
are the server logs?

Can you try deploying from the eclipse client? I believe the error message
is better there than in the web ui.
"Bryan Hunt" <bhunt> wrote in message
is better there than in the web ui.
"Bryan Hunt" <bhunt> wrote in message
I'm trying to go through the Jazz extender tutorials, and I've run into a
problem deploying the process templates. When I click Deploy predefined
process templates in the web UI, I get the following error message:
Error deploying predefined process templates to the repository. Please
check your server log for more details.
When you are running the server from the development platform, where are
the server logs?