I am trying to import requirement from excel to RQM
I have even followed the article on http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21506597 which says the in RRC the default user set is ADMIN which is disabled at the time of configuration therefore we need to use a user who has access to RRC. I did the needul mentioned in the article but still I am getting the same error message.
2 answers
With the user whose credentials you entered in the Advanced Properties page, have you attempted to login to RRC using the same user credentials? And have you been able to create/modify requirements in RRC with this user? You may need to make sure that both the RM user and the QM user being used have membership access to both the RM and QM projects being used. Not sure if this is necessary, but it may be good to do this just to be safe. Hope this helps!
Mike Jaworski