version RTC 4.0.1 to RTC back word compatibililty on RTC server extension changes

One answer

for 2, yes 4.0.1 process template works with

Question 1. I agree with Dinesh. Kevita, you might want to read this post as well:

Question 1. I would assume that to 4.0.1 should be no problem. i would expect few API changes and you deploy in a slightly later version. But I still would import the source into 4.0.1 rebuild, test and then deploy. This is especially true if you have dependencies to fixed versions of other plugins.

Thanks Ralph for quick feedback.
I gone through above mentioned link. Rebuild means import package into 4.0.1 development server set up and create package with PDE Tools-->build Site. I don't have 4.0.1 dev server set up. Is there any other simple way to make it fast.

The only solution avoiding to have a dev environment is to just deploy your in 4.0.1, which should work in most of the cases.