How can I change attribute type from an Interval to an Enumeration.

I was able to successfully change a String type attribute to an HTML type. I am having issues with changing the type from an Interval to an Enumeration. I went into the Process Configuration Source Tab and changed all of the types to the enum list that I created and updated the presentation editor xml to use an enumeration type.
It works, except for the Editor Presentation still sees the attribute as an Interval, but generates an error stating that the type should be and Enumeration. Whe looking at the attribute from the editor it shows that it is an enumeration. When I edit the Presentation, it gives me the Iterval drop down list in the "kind" field. Does anyone know how to get the Editor to see that this is now an enumeration?
One answer

I assume, when creating an attribute the type is stored in the attribute definition in the database. You might be able to force some levels of the process definition into believing it is of a different type, but I don't think this will go down into the persistency layer.
A better approach in such cases is to create a new attribute with the correct type. After doing that, rename the old attribute to something like zzz_Attribute Name (Deprecated) to get it out of the way. Synchronize the attributes to get the new attribute created for all work items (be aware of the query limit as described in this post ). Then use bulk update operations, or the API or CSV export and import on the work items to set the data of the new attribute according to the old value.

The problem I have with making new attributes is that the old ones stay in the system forever. They keep showing up when users are adding columns in the query. I am trying my hardest to avoid that scenario. Changing like/similar types is the easiest because it is just formatting of the strings when. When it comes to the other types, I am sure that the data is stored differently.
I know the system is not designed for it, but sometimes there are ways to cheat. That is all I am looking for.