Authentification problem
Georg Kellner (840●4●81●109)
| asked Mar 27 '13, 7:33 a.m.
retagged Apr 01 '13, 1:02 p.m. by Lisa Caten (342●9●13)
I'm facing a small problem with the authentification. We have on JTS with one RQM and RTC, all 4.0.1. The authentification is configured to use LDAP, and the login to the applications is fine. BUT If I switch between RQM and RTC, or do an hover on a linked item, I have to authenticate again in the next application. Sometimes even if I switch to settings/dashboards stored in the jts. What I expect is to do the login once and switch between all the applications connected to the same JTS. I think I've missed some configuration, but I don't know which one. Can anyone help me. greetings georg. |
One answer
Hello Georg,
You'll need to configure WebSphere to use single sign-on as described in this section of the Information Center.
Technical Support Engineer
IBM Rational Client Support Europe
Your answer
Dashboards and work items are no longer publicly available, so some links may be invalid. We now provide similar information through other means. Learn more here.
Hi Georg,
Authentication is performed in CLM via application server. Do you use WAS or Tomcat?
Could you also provide public uri values for RQM and RTC?
Are they configured to use different server host name?
Hi Krzysztof,
we are using WebSphere.
We use different server names, or better, alias names for the services.
The hosts a reverse proxy to bundle all applications in the future behind the same URI.
greetings georg.