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How to Add Unplanned work items to an iteration plan?

Guowei Jim Hu (1.0k910353) | asked Nov 21 '08, 3:48 p.m.
When we finally started to use iteration plan, we have accumulated hundreds of unplanned work iteams. And I tried add some of them to the new iteration plan following the method from the Jazz documentaion:
To add work items to a plan:
1.Select an entry in the Work Items view and drag it to the Planned Items page. Drag it to a user or category to assign it. Drag it to a work item to make it a child of the work item.
2. Modify an existing work item so that its category and planned iteration match the criteria for the iteration plan.
3.Create a new work item. Right-click a group folder or a work item and click Add Work Item and select a work item type.

But 1 seems to work only for those already in the Planed Items panel; For the unplanned ones, they are not selectable or dragable in the Work item view;

As for 2, I can locate/modify an item's category, but can't locate its planned iteration, the closest one is its Team Area filed which show the development line; how do I modify their planned iteration property to make them show up in the new iteration plan?

3 works fine but won't help the existing unplanned ones.

So how do I add the existing unplanned work items to a new iteration plan?

5 answers

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Guowei Jim Hu (1.0k910353) | answered Nov 21 '08, 4:30 p.m.
Just figured out a way to do it.
To make the work items dragable, I need to first click the downward arrow (Show Next Work Item) to make it show up under Work Item Hostory, then switch to itearation plan window, chnage Group By to Owner, then I can drag the unplanned work item from the Work Item History into iteration plan to assign it to a person & the iteration of course.

Is this how it works? Just a few more steps than I thought by reading the documentation though.

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Michael Scharf (781) | answered Nov 24 '08, 3:58 a.m.
To make the work items dragable, I need to first click the downward
arrow (Show Next Work Item) to make it show up under Work Item
Hostory, then switch to itearation plan window, chnage Group By to
Owner, then I can drag the unplanned work item from the Work Item
History into iteration plan to assign it to a person & the
iteration of course.

Is this how it works? Just a few more steps than I thought by reading
the documentation though.


this should be much easier. You can drag work items from everywhere
directly onto the plan. The work item history is just one possibility.

I assume you first ran a query to find the unplanned work items? Just
select one or multiple work items in the "Work Items" view and drag them
to the plan, as described in point (1) in your previous post.

I've just verified that this works with 1.0.1.

Jazz Agile Planning team

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Guowei Jim Hu (1.0k910353) | answered Dec 01 '08, 11:08 a.m.
I am on 1.0.1 also. I did what you described first:
run a query to get the list of work items in the work item view show up, but I can't select any of them and drag them.

Then I found out that those show up in the work item histry are selectable and draggable. So I figured out a way to get my unplanned work items show up in the workj item histry first, then select and drag them into Planned item panel.

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Michael Scharf (781) | answered Dec 02 '08, 3:48 a.m.
I am on 1.0.1 also. I did what you described first:
run a query to get the list of work items in the work item view show
up, but I can't select any of them and drag them.

This sounds like a platform specific issue. What OS are you using?

Jazz Agile Planning team

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Guowei Jim Hu (1.0k910353) | answered Dec 03 '08, 12:14 p.m.
Sorry for the delay as I was on vacation.

Our Jazz server is on Linux and the client boxes are Windows XP.

But for wahtever reason, right now all seems working fine now. I am able to select items form the query output and drag them around. Don't know why I couldn't do it before but gald it is working fine now

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