How to export Database enumeration values when creating new project area

If we create a new project area, based on on existing project area that is using DB enumeration values(Create a template from this project area and use it to create a new project area) then DB based enumeration values are lost in the new project area.
Is there a way to export the Database enumeration values to the new project area from an existing project area ?
2 answers

there is no current way that I know of to export the list. and if there was an external source, no way that I know of to import that list into a recreation of the enum list in a new project area.

Thanks for the quick response.

If we create a separate project area using a template that contains DB enumeration, do we have to recreate the enumeration id(not the values), so that the atrribute using that DB enumeration is usable in the new project area created from the template ?
Is it also possible to populate this atrribute using DB enumeration through work item CSV import in the new project area created from the template ? (Assuming user id. that is used for work item CSV import has the permission to create the DB enumeration values for this attribute)

just to make sure, what do you mean by 'template'. If you mean shared process area, then we discovered that Database Enums are NOT shareable.
If you mean you created a new project style template, I also believe the DB Enums are not copied into the Process Template.
I am not sure there is a way to export these DB Enum values, such that you can import them into another project.

I created a PA with a database enumeration. I then exported the process template and imported it into a new RTC server. I then created a project area on the new RTC server based on the imported template.
The problem is that the work items using the database enumeration are invalid.
The definitions for the attribute using the imported database enumeration are correctly created in any Editor Presentations using the enumeration as well as any "types and attributes" definitions using them.
However, no enumeration definition is created. The attribute definitions still have the ID of the database enumeration, but this now seems to point to a enumeration definition that does not exist...
I think that the export/import function should warn of these and leave the system in a valid state.
As a work around, I was thinking of manually recreating the database enumeration with the missing ID. Does anyone see any reasons that this strategy would not work to fix the problem ?