RRDI Report with RTC (object release)

I have a RTC Workitem with the attribute Found In "Release".
I have another attribut in this workitem type Fix In "Release".
The release value can be different for the attribute Found In and Fix In
Is it possible with RRDI Report Studio to get the value of the release behind the Found in and Fix In attribute ?
One answer


Are you sure of that ?
Under "Request" where I have all the information about the WI, I have a field "Name for Fix In Release" and "Id for Fix In Release". In the same way I have "Name for Found In Release". When I run the report I have "info not available" in the column "Name for Fix In Release" while the release is displayed properly in the column "Name for Found In Release". I have found nothing which corresponds to my attribute "Fix In" which references a RTC release either in Request Medium String Extension or Request Large String Extension or Request String Extension.
It makes sense to me because the release is a predefined RTC object different from a custom enumeration or a custom attributes and by default referenced by the "Found In" attribute. It looks like the difficulty comes when you add a second attribute in your Work Item which also references a release.

Got it - so "Fix In" is defined in your process template as type "Deliverable". Custom attributes of this type are not exposed via the reportable REST API and so will not be available in the data warehouse, but this is planned to be added in 4.0.3. See Plan Item 242806