RRDI 1.0.2 failed installation, CM-CFG-5034, could not load driver "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"

How do I find which driver needs to be installed and where do I find it? Or is the error message misleading?
IBM Cognos 8
Content Manager
Build: 8.4.6023.0
Start time: Wednesday, March 6, 2013 4:12:46 PM EST
Current time: Wednesday, March 6, 2013 4:12:58 PM EST
State: Not running. See logs.
cogserver.log: 2208 2013-03-06 17:05:00.935 -5 Initialization_SESS Initialization_REQ Thread-45 CM 6023 1 Audit.cms.CM StartService Warning CM-CFG-5063 A Content Manager configuration error was detected while connecting to the content store. CM-CFG-5034 Content Manager failed to start because it could not load driver "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver". 2208 2013-03-06 17:05:01.450 -5 pogoStartup na na 0 Thread-45 DISP 6017 1 Audit.Other.dispatcher.DISP.com.cognos.pogo.contentmanager.coordinator.CMBootstrap getActiveContentManager ContentManager Failure <messages><message><messageString>DPR-CMI-4006 Unable to determine the active Content Manager. Will retry periodically.</messageString></message></messages>
Server details:
RRDI 1.0.2 installation
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1 64 bit, 4.00 GB (server is a VM)
Oracle 11g
Content store is on a separate system.
Installation anomalies:
During the step that says :
1. Copy the following Oracle drivers (ojdbc5.jar and ojdbc14.jar) from the [Oracle_installation_directory]/jdbc/lib/ directory to the [Rational_Reporting_installation_directory]/cognos/webapps/p2pd/WEB-INF/lib directory.
only ojdbc5.jar was found. (the same is true for another installation of RRDI 1)
Another installation instruction step says to delete classes12.jar (at two different paths) and the file was not found to delete in either location.
Cognos configuration says it can connect to the content store:
IBM Cognos Configuration -> Data Access -> Content Manager -> RICM -> Test -> (two green checkmarks)
One answer

You also need to make sure the system can always find the right jar file - there is an Oracle environment variable you should set (I don't have that info in front of me - apologies).

Hi Anthony,
Thanks for the quick response.
From the error message, I can't tell where Cognos expects to find oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver. I think you're saying the same thing. If I knew where the driver belongs, I could probably find the right one. I have another RRDI installation that works.
The instructions don't say to load another driver or to set an environment variable.
For the Oracle thin client, the instructions said to set Path to the client's installation directory. I downloaded the client from Oracle.
The Cognos Configuration tool connected with its test. It didn't at first until I found a driver for it. So Cognos knows about at least one driver.
However, I can't find any info to give me a clue how to proceed.

I'm working with IBM through a different channel. I'm sure the fix will be easy once I find the spot that's missing a driver.
Thanks again for your response.