How could I configure relogin interval?
Accepted answer
Applications -> WebSphere enterprise applications -> <application> -> Session management -> Session timeout
That's my understanding, yes. With regards to your other question about license & token timeout, this refers to the amount of time a license is assigned to a user.
Jared, thanks for that answer, the default of 6 hours tells me why I never see the session timeout happening.
With respect to the license timeout, the default is 120 minutes for floating licenses, and I think you are not supposed to change it, because it might violate the license agreement.
Jared and Ralph, thanks for your answer. I think Jared's answer is right and I will do some test later.
One other answer
I have read this some times in the forum. If I use, I don't have to login, neither do I have to with all my test systems on my machine - ever. I have discussed this with several people and got several hints why this could be happening to people. Most of the hints were about infrastructure related settings that are company/site specific.
- There is infrastructure around that can and do drop connections after some idle time
- Other settings could probably cause this as well, such as application server settings
We have seen issues with LTPA timeouts when running performace tests against IHS/WAS, where you can change the LTPA timeout. I have been told, that the timeout should not affect a regular user.
So, I am not aware of a timeout in Jazz that would force logging in again. If anyone knows any that I have been missing, please correct me. I would rather check with the infrastructure teams,if there are settings that could cause this.