Question about the incremental build

- Delete directory before loading : UNCHECKED
- Accept latest changes ... CHECKED
- Build only if there are changes .. CHECKED
The build is automatically scheduled on a regular basis.
One answer

To answer your question, the build won't restart if there weren't any changes since the last one. Unless there's an intermittent failure, I wouldn't expect a rerun to have any chance of passing. You'll have to manually request a build to rebuild with the same content.

Thanks Tim for your quick response. I agree with you that the build workspace should not be manually changed.

You can compare builds by selecting them in the build view and invoking a compare on them. This will use the snapshots to compare the differences. This doesn't work on personal builds because snapshots aren't created for personal builds.

But this won't work in my automated build. I guess I can do that by keeping a record of the snapshot of the last success build, and use that to generate the change log. I really wish RTC can provide a way to do that.

Please open an enhancement if there's a build feature that you need.

If you are having to target various parts of the code to be built, you probably should break down the build into smaller parts for the CI build. A CI build should not be calculating what to build, it should be a go or no go. Generally though JBE does not do much on its own to persist data between builds.