More enum modification

It seems like all people want me to do these days is modify enums from DXL and everytime I find a new problem. This time, I am trying to take a text attribute in one module (cp Operating Environment) and copy it to a multi valued enumerated attribute in another module (Operating Environment). I have an existing trigger that makes sure the text attribute is in the proper format - each Operating Environment value is seperated by a new line. The trigger also checks the existing enumeration to see if a value exists, if it does not exist, it appends "cp " to beginning of each value to mark it as a new value. I have a seperate script that checks the value of the text attribute and modifies the enum accordingly - removes a "cp " prefix and adds the value to the enum. The error I am currently getting says "You have specified a duplicate type name". This error message is returned from the modify command. I am taking this to mean that I can not edit the type without changing the name but I have changed the enum values and used the same name without getting this error, any thoughts?

void rebuildEnum(AttrDef aDef, Object cObj){
    Module oldCur = current
        Current = COTS          // contains type to be edited
        string aType = "Host Operating Environment Type"      //typeName to edit
        string aName =
        AttrType at = find(COTS, aType)         // get the type
        if (null at){
                errorBox("AttrType " aType " not found")
        // cpVal is a text field containing values to be assigned to the enum in the COTS module
        // an existing trigger ensures the format of this attribute is correct in the cpCOTS module
        string cpVal = cObj.aName
        int numVals = 1, i
        // determine the number of values
        for (i = 0; i < length(cpVal); i++){
                if (cpVal[i] == '\n'){
        string cpVals_parsed[numVals] = {}
        int j, lastBreak = 0, idx = 0
        // parse values into an array
        for (j = 0; j < length(cpVal); j++){
                if (cpVal[j] == '\n'){
                        cpVals_parsed[idx++] = cpVal[lastBreak:i-1]
                        lastBreak = i + 1
        cpVals_parsed[idx] = cpVal[lastBreak:]
        // skiplist is used to alphabetize and avoid duplicates
        Skip listVals = createString()  // KEY: string - OE name; DATA: int - mapping to previous type
        int k
        string temp, errMsg = null
        for (k = 0; k < numVals; k++){
                temp = cpVals_parsed[k]
                // remove spaces from the end of entries
                while (temp[length(temp)-1] == ' '){
                        temp = temp[0:length(temp)-2]
                // if it is a new value, add it to the skip with a mapping of -1
                if (temp[0:2] == "cp "){
                        put(listVals, temp[3:], -1)
        // add the existing enum values and their current position to the skip
        int h
        for (h = 0; h < at.size; h++){
                put(listVals, at.strings[h], h)
        Array aModify = create(at.size, 4)
        int map, index = 0
        // build modification array
        for map in listVals do {
                put(aModify, (string key(listVals)), index, 0)  // at.strings
                put(aModify, index, index, 1)                   // at.values
                put(aModify, -1, index, 2)                      // colors - dont care about
                put(aModify, map, index++, 3)                   // mapping
        // modify type
        at = modify(at, aType, aModify, errMsg) // this line returns a non null errMsg
        // clean up
        current = oldCur
        if (!null errMsg){
                errorBox(errMsg "\nThis error caused by a non-null errMsg.")

SystemAdmin - Fri Aug 26 14:34:36 EDT 2011

Re: More enum modification
Mathias Mamsch - Sun Aug 28 15:27:30 EDT 2011

    Current = COTS              // contains type to be edited


looks to me like an autodeclare problem. current must be written in lower case. Your statement declares a new variable (provided that autodeclare is on, which I assume) and assign the value COTS to it, but it probably should change your current module. That could be the reason for having a duplicate type, since the current module is still the source module.

Regards, Mathias




Mathias Mamsch, IT-QBase GmbH, Consultant for Requirement Engineering and D00RS



Re: More enum modification
llandale - Sun Aug 28 17:30:48 EDT 2011

Mathias Mamsch - Sun Aug 28 15:27:30 EDT 2011

    Current = COTS              // contains type to be edited


looks to me like an autodeclare problem. current must be written in lower case. Your statement declares a new variable (provided that autodeclare is on, which I assume) and assign the value COTS to it, but it probably should change your current module. That could be the reason for having a duplicate type, since the current module is still the source module.

Regards, Mathias




Mathias Mamsch, IT-QBase GmbH, Consultant for Requirement Engineering and D00RS




While this 'current module' stuff seems to be my Don Quixote quest, I do forget to add that when in doubt one should add

... print "Current module before modify '" name(current Module) "'\n"

which pretty much clears up the doubt.

  • Louie

And Autodeclare is my Mobi Deck, disallowed content detected. So this thread just have everything I need.