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IBM Engineering Test Management 7.2 M2 Milestone

Early Access Milestone | January 1, 2025
Important notes about using this build
Important upgrade notice regarding pre-release software:

Use of a pre-release build in a production environment as the primary or only system for productive purposes is not supported and not recommended.
We strongly recommand that you install and evaluate any pre-release build separately and continue to use an existing release for productive purposes.

Unless otherwise documented, pre-release (milestone, release candidate or beta) builds can only be upgraded to the next published build targeted for the same release. In most cases the next build will be another pre-release build (e.g. version x.0 M3 can only be upgraded to x.0 M4 or whichever build is published next in that stream).
This is not the recommended version. We recommend IBM Engineering Test Management 7.2 M3. This is made available for archival purposes and may contain bugs and/or security vulnerabilities. If you do download this version, it is being provided AS IS, without warranties of any kind, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. We strongly advise you review the support pages for this version and update the product or take actions recommended therein. Security bulletins contain instructions for the security vulnerability addressed therein, and may require upgrading to a newer version. Link to security vulnerability blog: IBM PSIRT blog.
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Getting started with Engineering Test Management 7.2

For information about hardware and software requirements, licensing, and other deployment considerations, see Planning to install Engineering Lifecycle Management.

If the web installer is right for you, ensure that you are registered with and logged on to Jazz.net.

This web installer contains IBM Installation Manager and a launchpad that is configured to pull the application-specific installation components from Jazz.net. You can select the applications you want to install.

  • Jazz Team Server
  • Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next
  • Engineering Workflow Management
  • Engineering Test Management
  • Rhapsody Model Manager
  • Engineering Insights
  • Jazz Reporting Service
  • Publishing Document Builder

The web installer also includes client tools that support advanced tasks and optimized workflows for specific roles or jobs, and tools that provide additional functions such as integrations with other systems. If you install Publishing Document Builder, it is installed into a separate package group from other Engineering Lifecycle Management applications. Publishing Document Builder uses a separate installation folder and WebSphere Liberty runtime. The installation also includes trial license keys unlock access to capabilities provided by the applications.

Select your OS:

Download the web installer to choose your server and client
Windows x86-64, 263.55 MB

Extract the download, run launchpad.bat (Windows) or launchpad.sh (Linux), and click the launchpad links to run IBM Installation Manager for each application to install.

For other download options, including local (offline) installers, see the All Downloads tab.


To learn more about new enhancements in this release, see the What's new in Engineering Test Management 7.2 page.

To learn more about Engineering Test Management, see the documentation, the product page, and the deployment wiki.

For help on installing or using this product, post your questions in the Forum. Developers and other community members monitor the forums and answer questions.


To explore ELM capabilities, including CCM, QM, and RM, see the Money that Matters Lifecycle Scenario. This scenario takes approximately two to three hours to complete.

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Report a bug through IBM Support or suggestions through ideas.

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