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Rational Requirements Composer

Product Release / Trial | August 8, 2012
This is not the most recent version. We recommend Rational Requirements Composer 4.0.7 . This is made available for archival purposes and may contain bugs and/or security vulnerabilities. If you do download this version, it is being provided AS IS, without warranties of any kind, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. We strongly advise you review the support pages for this version and update the product or take actions recommended therein. Security bulletins contain instructions for the security vulnerability addressed therein, and may require upgrading to a newer version. Link to security vulnerability blog: IBM PSIRT blog.
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Rational Requirements Composer Release Notes

Rational Requirements Composer Release Notes

Rational Requirements Composer Version is a service release that contains many new fixes. For information about documentation, support resources, software and hardware requirements, and installation upgrade steps, see the Getting Started page.

Use the queries below to see the important fixes and issues in the release. You might also want to read the Jazz Foundation Release Notes, the Rational Team Concert Release Notes, and the Rational Quality Manager Release Notes.

Fixes in this release

The Version release of Rational Requirements Composer includes APAR and non-APAR defect fixes.

For a detailed list of fixes for this release, view this query.

For a list of APARs that are fixed in this release, see the Rational Requirements Composer APARs fixed in this release work item query.

APAR Summary Work Item
PM60364 Simple flow diagrams get cropped in read-only mode 56292
PM60455 RRC-ReqPro migration: issue with migrated_requirements.csv log file if req name has commas 56358
PM60544 Cannot create an artifact using a template if artifact type's attributes differ from template 56464
PM61413 Translated upgrade script has incorrect value 203724
PM61804 Links section unusable at certain zoom levels 57350
PM62014 PRIMARY KEY constraint error when running RM DM ETL. RRCCustomAttribute job is causing this error. 57554
PM62471 Numbered Table of Contents not been configurable correctly from a report 57804
PM62490 Port Reporting Fixes to 3.0.1.x: Work items 57675 and 56767 57786
PM62751 Rich text documents with a lot of embedded graphical artifacts crash FF 10 58068
PM62792 Filtering gives a different number of results if you change the page size 58096
PM62814 CRRRW7574E A server error was received while exporting the specified artifacts 58119
PM62818 Review comments's template is missing subject 49506
PM63423 Revert to using RFC822_DATE_FORMAT to parse wrapper modified date 57334
PM63886 RRC Addon - Elements Toolbar not being displayed correctly 58418
PM64054 Email notification messages sent by RRC use the e-mail address of the user who triggered the notification 59115
PM64104 RM links server does not handle UTF-8 characters correctly 57124
PM64510 WellKnownTypesCache doesn't check JTS when empty 59127
PM64512 RRCx: Creating a connector between an (Start) Event and a task consistently hangs FF 58439
PM64947 If the number of users in the user picker exceed the 256 limit, we should warn the user 59926
PM65748 Content type is not sent while uploading the baseline. 60165
PM66587 RRC: Restore button disabled and not able to restore artifact from within an snapshot 60623
PM67172 New Participant results are created with incorrect associatedReview URL 60373
PM67851 RRC: Some images not displayed following migration from 2.x 61329
PM68265 Import does not set the correct content type 60622
PM69589 RRC: Fix reporting issues caused by URLs with default ports 60189

Known issues and changes in this release

The following are some of the known issues and changes in this release:

Support added for optional tag counts (59070)

You can now enable usage count information for tags. This option is disabled by default, so until you enable it, tags will appear in alphabetical order (rather than in most used order) and usage counts will not be displayed when hovering over a tag. To enable tag counts, edit the following file:
<server directory>\server\conf\rm\
and set the following server property to true:

"All Projects" link added to home menu (57872)

In previous releases, when the number of projects to which a user belongs was greater than 50, the projects were not listed in the home menu. In this release, a link has been added to the home menu that displays a full project listing. This link appears regardless of whether the 50 project limit has been reached.

The upgrade report tool (59121)

After running a RRC 3.x migration, you can run the upgrade report tool to obtain information about errors or changes to resources that might have occurred during the migration. The upgrade report tool now has the following command arguments to generate different reports:

Command Argument Description
makeResourceReport Generates a single report for all errors, and separate reports, one for each project, for changes applied to resources in each project.
makeDeltaReport Generates a report sorted by each type of change applied to resources during the migration.
makeErrorReport Generates a report sorted by each type of error found in resources during the migration.
makeErrorArchive Generates an archive of all recorded data during the migration.