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Rational Requirements Composer 3.0 Beta 3

Early Access Milestone | March 28, 2011
Important notes about using this build
Important upgrade notice regarding pre-release software:

Use of a pre-release build in a production environment as the primary or only system for productive purposes is not supported and not recommended.
We strongly recommand that you install and evaluate any pre-release build separately and continue to use an existing release for productive purposes.

Unless otherwise documented, pre-release (milestone, release candidate or beta) builds can only be upgraded to the next published build targeted for the same release. In most cases the next build will be another pre-release build (e.g. version x.0 M3 can only be upgraded to x.0 M4 or whichever build is published next in that stream).
This is not the recommended version. We recommend Rational Requirements Composer 4.0.7 . This is made available for archival purposes and may contain bugs and/or security vulnerabilities. If you do download this version, it is being provided AS IS, without warranties of any kind, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. We strongly advise you review the support pages for this version and update the product or take actions recommended therein. Security bulletins contain instructions for the security vulnerability addressed therein, and may require upgrading to a newer version. Link to security vulnerability blog: IBM PSIRT blog.
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Rational Requirements Composer 3.0 Beta 3 Release Notes

The following notes detail issues in the Rational Requirements Composer 3.0 Beta 3 milestone (February 26, 2011) that users and consumers of Rational Requirements Composer should be aware of. Please ensure that you also read the Jazz Foundation 3.0.1 M13 Release Notes.


  • Note that there is a defect in Beta 3 in which the install panel for "Context Root Options" may not show the options to reuse either the Rational Team Concert 2.x, Rational Quality Manager 2.x or Rational Requirements Composer 2.x context root. The workaround for this defect is to install only the server (Jazz Team Server and CCM, QM and RM applications) first and then install the license keys in a second install pass. This defect, 159692: Install: Option to select (RTC, RQM, RRC) context root for 2.x is not available, will be fixed in Release Candidate 1.
  • When navigating directly to /rm/web whilst a migration is being performed, the request will not be verified - if the user has JazzAdmin privileges they would be redirected to /rm/web/projects/migration and if not, they would be presented with an HTTP 503 Service Not Available. As the request is not being verified, the user is presented with a repository dashboard containing errors. If the user is a JazzAdmin, they will be redirected to /rm/web/projects/migration and upon migration completion will presented with URL that will allow them to access the repository to perform manual verification. Thus, this issue is only exposed to those accessing the system while a migration is being performed. (38380)
  • Manual verification of the success of a migration cannot be performed if the migrating user has never visited their dashboard in the 2.x web client prior to starting the migration. Due to a restriction on dashboard creation while migration is in progress, the user will be unable to navigate to their home page from the migration wizard to perform manual verification. You can still navigate to specific projects from the Home icon in the dashboard banner. Alternately, please be sure to log in to the 2.x web client prior to taking the backup and running migration. (40052)
  • Errors in finding necessary directories when performing the repotools import command for migration of 2.x data to 3.0 may be encountered. The workaround to this issue is to execute the import command in a new command prompt instance. (39508)
  • The automatic updating of the requires the to be that of the source repository and not the default one provided by the RRC install. (40254)
  • Some of the fallback artifact types created during migration do not have a default artifact format making them unusable. The workaround is to not use these types which include Document, Glossary, Module, and WrapperResource. (40365)
  • The exporting of tag columns is not supported. (39245)
  • CSV import does not validate the bounds of a custom type (as our RequirementValidation does not validate this). The effect of this is that you can enter system data that is not valid via ImportCSV. The system however is tolerant to this and will perform as expected. Upon updating the resource, the client will indicate that these values are invalid and will force the user to fix them before proceeding with the save. (37515)
  • 2.x filters of the group by type will not be migrated to 3.0. (39867)
  • 2.x enum attribute filters will not be migrated to 3.0. (39866)
  • 2.x mimetype filters are only partially migrated to 3.0. Any saved filters including a mimetype filter will not work properly after migration. (39865)
  • Starting RRC Server in headless mode on Linux, the action will silently fail. The Java process will need to be terminated. This problem occurs because the server requires a display component to catch graphic components that are being generated. This display is not accessible in a headless configuration. To resolve this issue, install X Virtual Frame Buffer (Xvfb) on your system to capture the display. You can view the Technote surrounding this issue here. (36356)
  • After initial installation of RRC, once the setup has been performed, in some cases when creating new RRC Projects or Artifacts the browser will display the message: "An error occurred while processing a server request. The server returned error code 400." No projects or artifacts can be created once this occurs. To workaround this issue, clear the browser's cookies, restart the RRC server, and then restart the web browser and log back into RRC. (35120)
  • There are problems completing setup when configuring CLM in a WAS configured to use LDAP. To workaround this issue, apply the RM internal license explicitly. (35398)

Web Client

  • When using the tree view in the grid, and the desired level is changed up by more than 1 when the view has just been displayed, the correct level is not displayed and the user must sometimes log on and off to restore control. (39968)
  • In the links section of the requirement view, the dropdown icon that allows access to the available link actions is sometimes hidden to the right and the panel must be scrolled manually to access it. (32273)
  • In IE8 when column widths are set manually by entering a numeric value in the dialog, it is ignored when the dialog is applied. To workaround, set the column widths directly using the column header. (36709)
  • Using wildcard characters may not always return the correct matches. (40233)
  • After performing a search with results, performing another search that yields no results leaves the pagination controls from the first search in place. When another search which yields results is performed, the paging controls are updated. (40151)
  • Searches containing unicode characters are not correctly handled and result in a permissions error from Quick Search or from Artifact Picker. (40097)
  • When navigating to an artifact via a recent comment, if the recent comment is associated to an embedded artifact, the associated artifact element will not be highlighted in the artifact content and the comment will not be selected in the artifact's sidebar. (39797)
  • Firefox only. When editing rich text documents with many pages, a single left mouse button click above or below the vertical scroll bar thumb will not scroll the document. Workaround: If you click and hold down the left mouse button above or below the vertical scroll bar thumb, scrolling will occur. Dragging the thumb also works. (39854)
  • Firefox only. When editing rich text documents, if a hyperlink is at the end of a line, entering text immediately after the hyperlink will continue the hyperlink styling. Workaround: Create a new line and enter a space character on the new line. Place the cursor at the beginning of this new line and press the delete key. This will add a space after the hyperlink and allow you to properly enter new text. (32340)
  • IE only. When editing rich text documents, performing a "Save As New and Insert" operation with extract text that starts with a hyperlink, will fail. Workaround: Perform the selection such that the text to be extracted does not start with a hyperlink. (39847)
  • During some actions on IE, you may be prompted with an invalid Security Warning dialog. Click Yes at the prompt to continue. This security warning can also be disabled for IE by going to Tools--> Internet Options-->Security tab. Select "Internet" zone and then click the "Custom Level" button. Change the "Display mixed content" setting from "Prompt" to "Enable".; (34625)
  • The following error may occur improperly: "ID CRRRW7550E You cannot view the artifact due to security constraints. Ask an administrator to give you access to the appropriate project error may occur." Workaround: Retrying the operation usually succeeds. (30893)
  • The dialog used for artifact creation contains a "Template" field which is currently only accounting the currently selected "Artifact Type" field value. It should instead be accounting for the "Artifact Type" field value as well as "Artifact Format" field value. This means the "Templates" field value will contain artifact templates that match your selected "Artifact Type" but may not match your selected "Artifact Format". (40158)
  • In IE7, when you are editing an artifact and use the Create New Term function, the link to the new Term may be inserted at the start of the paragraph or the start of the document, rather than replacing the selected text. (40250)
  • When using the RDDG wizard, visible and selectable artifacts are not automatically filtered based on the type of the report. (37716)
  • On the User's dashboard, on the Comments widget, if you select the toolbar button "Recent Comments for Me" no comments are displayed. (40434)

RRC Browser Add-Ons

The RRC Browser Add-Ons are unavailable for Unix-based platforms at this time

To use the graphical editors, ensure that your browser security settings are compliant with the following:

Internet Explorer 7/8:

  • Internet Security Levels:
    • The default levels of Medium and Medium-High for the Internet Zone are acceptable as they come.
    • If using the default level of High, you will need to enable the following settings by clicking the 'Custom Level' button:
      1. Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins - must be set to something other than 'Disabled' (Either enabled or prompt)
      2. Active Scripting must be enabled (Controls Javascript)
      3. Script ActiveX Controls marked safe for scripting
      4. Run ActiveX controls and plugins
    • The same acceptable security levels and exceptions apply to the Local intranet Zone as well.
    • Note: If you choose to add your RRC server as a trusted site in Internet Explorer, you may set Internet security levels in any way you choose as all sites listed in the Trusted category use their own settings.

FireFox 3.x:

  • Ensure the following settings under the Content tab of Options are enabled:
    • Load images automatically
    • Enable JavaScript

Known Issues:

  • RRC Browser Add-ons fails to install after migrating from 2.x. To workaround this issue, shut down the server and clear everything under server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\rdm. Then under \server\tomcat\webapps\rdm\WEB-INF open web.xml and add the following within the <web-app> </web-app> tags:
    • <servlet id="addons">
      • <servlet-name>addons</servlet-name>
      • <servlet-class></servlet-class>
      • <init-param>
        • <param-name>debug</param-name>
        • <param-value>1</param-value>
      • </init-param>
      • <init-param>
        • <param-name>contextPrefix</param-name>
        • <param-value>addons</param-value>
      • </init-param>
      • <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
    • </servlet>
    • <servlet-mapping>
      • <servlet-name>addons</servlet-name>
      • <url-pattern>/addons/*</url-pattern>
    • </servlet-mapping>
    Restart the server after saving those changes. (40364)
  • Pressing Edit before the read-only version of a graphical artifact is done loading can cause the graphical editor to not show up. Workaround is to wait until the "Loading artifact for rendering..." message disappears and the artifact content is rendered. (40065)
  • The read-only version of some process diagrams will occasionally have misaligned selection or highlight feedback. This behavior can make selecting elements in read-only difficult in some cases. (39331)
  • When a storyboard is opened, the frame list is not displayed initially. Clicking on any frame at the bottom of the screen will show that frame. From there, a link back to the frame list is displayed in the upper left-hand corner. Using that link will display the frame list. (39045)
  • Flow elements cannot be added to an empty diagram. When you do this, you will see a red circle indicating you can't add the flow element. Add a pool to the diagram first then add the elements to the pool. (35318)
  • Changes to an editor are lost when a user presses the back or forward button. (35529)
  • If there is a network connection issue during the download phase of the Browser Add-on install in Internet Explorer, the user will not be notified that the download was abandoned. A symptom that this has occurred will be that the follow-on install dialog for the plugin will not be shown to the user. Also, any further attempts to edit a graphical artifact will notify the user that the plugin has not been installed and ask them to install. The workaround is to attempt the installation again. (40185)
  • On a fresh install of Windows XP the Browser Add-on plugin may not start due to a missing Java JRE DLL (MSVCR71.DLL). The workaround is done by copying the MSVCR71.DLL from the plugin JRE directory (/IBM/RRCAddOn-0.1.3/jre/bin) to the Windows SYSTEM32 directory. (39967)
  • A user of the previous beta Browser Add-on plugin may not be warned that a newer version is available for the new beta. This will prevent the user from editing graphical artifacts. The workaround is that before attempting to edit graphical artifacts with Beta 3, the user should un-install the Browser Add-ons package from their client system using Installation Manager. For more information regarding the installation, un-installation, and configuring of the Browser Add-on, please refer to the following wiki topic. (40193)
  • Adding comments to elements in the Part and User Interface Sketch editors from the comments sidebar is currently unavailable. (36623)
  • Read-only version of artifact is not rendered correctly after hitting 'Cancel' in edit mode after a several minute delay. To workaround this issue, refresh the browser by using the resource viewer's refresh button or by refreshing the entire browser page. (33729)
  • If you have RFT (Rational Function Tester) installed, ensure that the RFT browser plugin is disabled. If it is not disabled, editing a graphical artifact will cause the browser to crash. Disabling the RFT plugin will allow graphical editing to work normally. (35127)


The online help for this milestone is available, along with the help for the other Collaborative Lifecycle Management products, in the following information center. Please note that the information center is currently under development and may be incomplete or inaccurate. Your feedback is welcome. The same information center is also available from the Help menu in the Rational Requirements Composer web client.

The best way to guide yourself through using the requirements management function in this milestone is to use the Beta 3 Task Guide

There is a known limitation with context-sensitive help: the text within context-sensitive help bubbles, if working, is back-level, and the links to help topics will not work.