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Rational Quality Manager

Product Release / Trial | April 23, 2019
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Rational Quality Manager New & Noteworthy

Rational Quality Manager New & Noteworthy

Rational Quality Manager is an integral part of the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM). For new and noteworthy information about other applications, see these pages:

For a list of changes to the installation and upgrade process, see the CLM and IoT CE Installation and Upgrade Notes.

New in Rational Quality Manager

For a complete list of new and noteworthy items in this release, see the Rational Quality Manager New & Noteworthy Details.

For a summary of items in this release, see the following highlights:

Automatically remove test cases from the test plan when you remove them from a test suite that is part of the test plan

A test suite contains a list of test cases. Similarly, a test plan contains a list of test cases and test suites. Previously, when you removed a test case from a test suite that is part of a test plan, Rational Quality Manager did not automatically remove the test case from the same test plan.

Now, project preferences are added to address this scenario.

Project preferences to synchronize test cases and test suites in test plans

When you select the When a test case is removed from the test suite, automatically remove the test case from all editable parent test plans of the test suite option, if you remove a test case from a test suite, the same test case is automatically removed from all editable test plans of the test suite. When you select this option, the When a test suite is removed from the test plan, automatically remove the associated test cases of the test suite from the test plan option is selected automatically.

When you select the When a test suite is removed from the test plan, automatically remove the associated test cases of the test suite from the test plan option, if you remove a test suite from a test plan, all the associated test cases of the test suite are also automatically removed from the test plan.

Filter the custom attributes, test configuration, and host name columns by using wildcards

In browse test artifact views, you can use the Matches (*,?) filter to search the custom attributes, test environment, and host name columns by using wildcard characters. An asterisk (*) matches any number of characters. A question mark (?) matches exactly one character. The search is case-sensitive.

For example, to search for a test case result with a custom attribute named Type and a value of Edge Case, you can use the Matches (*,?) filter and enter ?dge* to find it.

Matches (*,?) filter

New side panel for filtering the test case execution record and test suite execution record sections of test plans

A new panel, which appears at the side of the screen, is available for the test case execution record (TCER) section and test suite execution record (TSER) section of a test plan. In the panel, you can filter TCERs in the test plan by saved queries, categories, and test case categories. Similarly, you can filter TSERs in the test plan by saved queries, categories, and test suite categories.

Side panel in the TCER section of the test plan editor